Lets Analyze Organic Food and Its Benefits
Organic food is food that’s been produced following regulations that protect and care for the environment. They also strive to produce more delicious and nutritional products.
For example, the European Union has a set of necessary requirements that a product must meet in order to have a seal to certify it as organic.
How to recognize organic food
To know if a product is organic, you must look for the seal that certifies it meets the requirements for an organic product. This information must always be visible for the consumer so as not to generate any confusion.
In addition to the seals that organic certifying entities give, there are other ways to make sure that what you’re buying is a healthy product without toxic substances or damaging effects for the environment; the Participatory Guarantee Systems.
These are guarantee systems that work locally. They certify producers based on the active participation of consumers and their bases reside in trust, social media and the exchange of knowledge.
Healthier and more natural
Organic food is healthier because it’s free from toxic residues such as pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, additives, and preservatives. Many of these substances are used in conventional farming to eliminate bugs and infestations.
Since they don’t contain artificial substances, your body can absorb the healthy food that comes from organic farming. As a result, organic food doesn’t disturb your metabolic functions. Most degenerative diseases come from what you eat.
Besides, they don’t contain additives. These chemicals can cause health problems such as heart failure, osteoporosis, migraines, and hyperactivity.
Organic farming
These types of foods don’t need pesticides, therefore they don’t have any residue on them. Different toxicological studies have proven the link between pesticides and diseases such as cancer, allergies, and asthma.
The use of pesticides is also damaging for the health of farm workers. This is a serious problem, especially in developing countries, where there are not many regulations regarding the use of pesticides.
In organic farming, the use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) is forbidden. Growing GMOs can have consequences for the environment. We also need more research on the long-term effects of farming modified crops.
Today, there are no scientific results that prove that GMOs and biotech crops are harmless to the environment and human health. Experts don’t know if the consumption of genetically modified plants is a direct danger for our health.
Prohibition of antibiotics
The European regulations prohibit the use of antibiotics in organic farming. This is beneficial for the consumer’s health.
The veterinary treatment performed in livestock, except for some very specific exceptions, is usually homeopathic. In other words, farmers take care of animals in a preventive way, without using antibiotics, tranquilizers or hormones.
Tastier and more nutritional
Organic food is elaborated in a more traditional and careful way. Therefore, they maintain their original flavor and taste better. Since the fertilizer that farmers use in plants is organic, they grow and develop better, keeping their authentic smell, color and taste.
Because of this, m any consumers prefer organic food, since they keep the real taste of each ingredient and allow dishes to have a traditional taste. Moreover, organic food is preserved better than conventional products.
Finally, plenty of studies have shown that organic vegetables contain more minerals than other vegetables. There is 25 percent more potassium in lettuce, 14 percent more calcium in fennel stalks and 16 percent more iron in grains.