The Benefits of Rosemary
Rosemary is one of the most used herbs in the kitchen. But, besides having a wonderful smell and flavor, it has many health properties that will improve your quality of life.
What is rosemary?
Rosemary is a type of shrub of Mediterranean origins. It’s a very popular herb, used to season a huge variety of dishes, but few people know all the benefits of its consumption for health in general.
This type of plant grows in a bush of woody stems that can reach a height of up to 150 centimeters. The leaves, which cover the stems, tend to be very aromatic and abundant.
Rosemary usually blooms during winter, and both the leaves and flowers are collected in spring and summer. Afterward, the collected rosemary is stored in a ventilated area, protected from the sun, until they dry out.
Rosemary: which benefits does it have?
Regarding the benefits of this herb, it’s very healthy in the nutritional field. In fact, it has become more popular thanks to its renown medicinal properties, that help with digestive diseases, depression, inflammation, among others.
Muscle pain
Rosemary is particularly recommended for athletes since it helps relieve muscle pain and inflammation; it has an energizing effect that helps fatigued legs and aching feet after intense exercise. Another great benefit is that, after its regular consumption, the annoying cramps disappear.
Improves endurance
Without a doubt, one of the greatest benefits of rosemary is its ability to stimulate and increase physical endurance, which is ideal for athletes.
In order to achieve this benefit, there are different ways of preparing this plant, either by itself or with cinnamon or grape juice. What matters is that you regularly include it in your diet so that you can see the short and long-term benefits.
Reduces stiffness
Not only is it good to drink rosemary infusions, but it also works to relieve joint stiffness and muscle tension after going out for a walk or a run. Add at least ten drops of rosemary infusion to the warm water of your bath.
Improves concentration
Apart from the multiple physical benefits, this herb can be beneficial for concentration and to prevent memory loss as well.
Rosemary favors blood circulation and with that, concentration improves significantly. That’s why it’s often recommended for students and anyone who wants to improve their memory.
Digestive issues
Rosemary can be a great ally to help treat different digestive diseases. For instance, it facilitates digestion.
In order to get these benefits, all you have to do is mix equal parts of rosemary, turmeric, chamomile, and fennel seeds. Then, add one tablespoon of the mix to one cup of water and drink as if it were an infusion.
The use of this plant also favors several different physical aspects. Among the main and most renowned benefits related to beauty, you may find, hair loss and dandruff prevention, and hydration for dry skin.
Rosemary also helps treat seborrhoeic dermatitis and it even makes grey hair look a little darker.
Rosemary infusions two to three times a day relieve PMS symptoms. In this case, the relaxing effects come in to play; it relieves tension and improves mood.
This herb is without a doubt one of the spices that you must have in your kitchen. Firstly, because of its wonderful aroma that gives extra flavor to your dishes, but it also has many benefits for your health.
Athletes love it; apart from being an amazing source of energy, it also helps prevent cramps and relieves muscle pain. But of course, it’s always important to ask your doctor if it’s right for you before you start consuming it regularly.
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- Frankel, E. N., Huang, S. W., Aeschbach, R., & Prior, E. (1996). Antioxidant Activity of a Rosemary Extract and its Constituents, Carnosic Acid, Carnosol, and Rosmarinic Acid, in Bulk Oil and Oil-in-Water Emulsion. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.