2 Basic Bodypump Routines

These bodypump routines could be your first step towards a more complete training routine, incorporating all muscle groups.
2 Basic Bodypump Routines

Last update: 25 January, 2021

Still not tried bodypump? This is a form of exercise that uses weight-lifting and other aerobic exercises. These basic bodypump routines last about an hour and allow you to choose the most appropriate weights to work with.

Bodypump classes allow you to work all muscle groups in a single session and enjoy all the benefits. It’s very demanding but also really fun!

Examples of basic bodypump routines

One bodypump class tends to last for around ten music tracks, where the first and last are for warming up and stretching. The other eight tracks are for working for different muscle groups. Below, we’ve put together two basic bodypump routines:

Bodypump routine one

We’ll start by warming up with a medium-weight on a barbell. The first track is for barbell squats. Hold the bar behind your head and perform squats to work your glutes and quadriceps.

Then, lower the weight before working the pectorals. First, lift the bar and stretch out your arms, lowering and raising the bar in front of you but never higher than your chin. The third track is for the back, with a barbell row and vertical row.

The first one is performed when standing, with your knees slightly bent and your torso leaning forward. The second is performed when standing and involves lifting the bar up to your chin. Your elbows should be pointing upwards when the bar reaches the highest point.

The routine continues by using discs to work your triceps, then working the biceps with a little less weight, lunges with or without weights, shoulder lifts with small discs, and finally, working your abdominals. To finish the routine, stretch for the duration of one track.

A woman holding a disc weight behind her head.

Bodypump routine two

In bodypump, the muscle groups worked are always the same and follow the same order, but the exercises can vary.

After doing your warm-up and stretching for a couple of minutes to quieter music, the first muscles to work are the glutes and legs. Squats are ideal.

After that, it’s time to work the chest. In this routine, we’ll do bench presses. Simply lie on the bench and lift the bar up and down with the chosen weight attached. Then, it’s time for the “back” track, one of the most physically demanding parts of the class.

One option is to do deadlifts and cleans (lifting the bar quickly, standing up straight, raising the bar above your head), two exercises that mainly work the legs, but also many other muscle groups.

The next tracks are to work your triceps and biceps, often without resting in between. In this routine, we’ll do tricep push-ups and bicep curls, whether with discs, dumbells, or the bar.

The following track is for lunges, which work your glutes and hamstrings. Lunges are an excellent exercise but you could also try squat jumps or free squats.

Next, we’ll work the shoulders. We’ll start with some standard push-ups, then dumbbell lifts, thrusters (squats with disc lifts), and finally, push press (bar lifts above the head).

When we get to the “abdominals” track, you know that you’re near the end of the class. These exercises can be done with weights (particularly with discs on your chest). Don’t forget to stretch before you leave the class!

A woman doing crunches with a disc.

Try different bodypump routines

There are many different bodypump routines out there and it’s not hard to come up with a routine your own. As long as you follow the same muscle group order: squats, chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, and abdominals.

The best idea is to change your routine every two or three months. This way, you won’t become bored and your muscles won’t get too familiar with the different movements.

It’s a good idea to be supervised when you do bodypump, whether you’re following a basic routine or a more demanding one. It’s really important to make sure that you choose the discs and weights, as well as the number of reps, according to your abilities. You don’t want to injure yourself.

If you still haven’t tried bodypump, why not give it a go? Start with low weights and go at your own pace. You’ll soon get a real taste for it!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Dixie Stanforth, Philip R. Stanforth, Margaret P. Hoemeke. 2000. Physiologic and Metabolic Responses to a Body Pump Workout. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
  • Greco, Camila C; Oliveira, Anderson S; Pereira, Marcelo P; Figueira, Tiago R; Ruas, Vinícius D; Gonçalves, Mauro; Denadai, Benedito S Improvements in Metabolic and Neuromuscular Fitness After 12-Week Bodypump® Training, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: December 2011 – Volume 25 – Issue 12 – p 3422-3431
    doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182160053

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.