Ten Reasons to Stop Drinking Coffee in the Morning

It is likely that you have grown accustomed to drinking coffee in the morning, even to the point that you can't start your day without it. However, not all of its effects are positive.
Ten Reasons to Stop Drinking Coffee in the Morning

Last update: 22 September, 2018

For many of us, there’s no better way to start a long day than with a good cup of coffee. Many people have made this activity a daily habit. However, research reveals several reasons why we need to stop drinking coffee in the morning. What are these reasons?

Ten reasons to stop drinking coffee in the morning

It has been proven that caffeine is a stimulant. For this reason alone, coffee critics consider it to be an overused and popular drug.

It seems that recent studies show that coffee is actually more harmful, than it is beneficial. Here are the reasons why you should stop drinking coffee in the morning, and indeed, throughout the day:


The habitual consumption of caffeine reduces your body’s sensitivity to the presence of insulin. This results in your body having difficulty processing the sugars that you consume.

The increase of sugar in the blood is damaging to the arteries. Damage to the arteries is related to cardiovascular diseases, which can in many cases, prove deadly.


While coffee contains good antioxidants that prevent premature aging, it also produces a significant increase in diterpene. In turn, this increases the amount of triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels in your blood. 

control stress


The caffeine found in coffee, brings about an increase in the stress hormone, (catecholamines). This will increase cortisol, which is responsible for controlling stress. If cortisol increases, insulin does too, which can then cause cardiovascular inflammation.

This chain of events is not good for the body. It is just one excellent reason to stop drinking coffee in the morning, as doing so can negatively affect your health.

Levels of glucose absorption

Coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which helps to delay the absorption of glucose at an intestinal level. It has been proven that this acid produces an increase in homocysteine, creating a high risk of heart disease. Homocysteine is present in diabetic and obese people.

Imbalances in gut flora

Drinking coffee can generate an imbalance in intestinal flora and cause heartburn. This generates digestive discomfort, and over time, can cause major problems, such as stomach ulcers.

Renal problems

People who consume coffee more than three times a day, often have kidney problems due to poor absorption of calcium and other minerals. The minerals that must be eliminated by urine, accumulate in the kidneys, damaging their functions.

Increased Anxiety

People usually drink coffee in the morning in order to feel awake and stay active. Caffeine is responsible for decreasing serotonin, a neurotransmitter that’s associated with sleep and mood.

Although a strong cup of coffee does help you to be alert, it also increases anxiety and depression. This then generates a vicious cycle that causes you to drink more coffee.

Excessive caffeine consumption triggers adrenaline production, causing over excitement. In this state, your heart accelerates, blood pressure rises, and it can be difficult to think clearly.

Obesity and Overweight

Weight gain

Another reason to stop drinking coffee in the morning is that it can lead to excessive weight gain. Thanks to the coffee industry, this beverage has also now been transformed into a meal.

These caffeinated food products, (in addition to containing caffeine) also contain, cream, sugar, and other caloric additives with little or no nutritional value. On the other hand, coffee with milk is usually consumed alongside food products that are not recommended, such as pastries.

Interferes with some medications

Coffee alters the metabolism of certain medications, such as antidepressants and thyroid regulators. It also does not help the liver to completely detoxify.


Finally, it is well-known that caffeine is addictive. If someone consumes coffee daily and then simply stops, they will suffer from the same symptoms, as if it were a drug addiction.

Coffee in moderation

As consumers, it is essential to distinguish between drinking coffee for its taste, and because you have an urgent need to drink it. It is true that a short-term caffeine intake produces cognitive benefits that can improve attention span and memory capacity. However, as we’ve discussed, excessive coffee consumption is detrimental to the proper functioning of your body.

Although it is not easy to completely stop consuming coffee from one day to the next, there are many good reasons to stop drinking coffee in the morning. But how do you begin? By gradually reducing the amount that you consume and start drinking plenty of water during the day. Replace coffee with other healthy breakfast beverages such as natural smoothies and fresh juices.


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.