CrossFit for Beginners: Tips and Tricks

In practice, it's possible to take part in this kind of physical activity, even when you're a beginner or not really into exercise; in this article we'll go through some tips and tricks for CrossFit beginners. Remember, that with a bit of patience and perseverance it's possible to reach the goals of this sport.
CrossFit for Beginners: Tips and Tricks

Last update: 17 August, 2018

CrossFit is one of the most intense and complete workouts that exist today. Exactly for that reason many people believe that it’s out of their reach.

What is CrossFit?

As we can see, CrossFit is a type of intense exercise routine, created by coach and athlete, Greg Glassman. The aim of this workout is to improve and condition the body to its full potential; you can achieve this through flexibility exercises, lifting, dead weight and exercises with one’s own body weight.

CrossFit workouts last approximately one hour. Although this is an extremely demanding physical activity, we advise you to adapt to it gradually.

In beginner’s CrossFit newbies generally perform the same exercises. The difference lies in the intensity of these, this way the less-experienced ones can gradually adapt to this workout

CrossFit for beginners: tips and tricks

Free trial

In many cases, people read about the benefits of a certain exercise or a physical activity and rush to sign up for it. Even though it’s good to be determined, it is recommended to try a free class or pay for a trial class first.

crossfit exercise well-being

By doing this, you can decide if you feel comfortable doing such an activity; you will also learn whether you like the gym environment or not, the teacher and your classmates. The pursuit of a sports activity that you are passionate about can sometimes be a bit complicated, that’s why you must develop patience and perseverance.

The right gym

It’s important to find the right CrossFit gym; you must consider some variables, such as finding a nice environment, coach and classmates, facilities, equipment, etc.

Take all this into account while searching for more information about the different CrossFit gyms in your city. These must be associated with the official CrossFit organization. On the official CrossFit website you can find updated information for more than 10,000 affiliated centers around the world.

Dead weight

Dead weight is one of the most effective exercises to develop strength, functional capacity and stabilization; this routine is included in any CrossFit program.

lifting dead weight

To do it, a beginner should only start with the barbell and then gradually refine their posture and technique. Afterwards, you may slowly increase the weight, according to your response capability and progress.

Beginner program

In CrossFit gyms there are usually beginner courses. If there aren’t, then you must talk to the coach about it; it’s important to slowly learn the fundamental movements for this activity.

In this sense, some aspects you must consider are: lifting, push-ups, sumo deadlift and medicine ball lifts, among others.


Among the different gym sports, CrossFit is a very demanding workout. That is why a beginner must be patient and must dedicate the time that it needs; it’s important to try not to miss any classes, to always be on time and to not leave before the end of the workout. This last tip is important to avoid injuries.

start doing crossfit cover

Getting along with your classmates is also a good motivation booster to go to every class. As you progressively see your body reacting and overcoming the imposed challenges, you will feel more comfortable.

CrossFit for beginners can be an intense experience at the start. In many cases people might think that this sport is out of their league.

However, by going to specialized gyms and being persistent, you’ll see the changes in your body; this is the best way to gain motivation to keep going and to overcome your limits.





This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.