What Should I Eat After Doing Sports?

Eating is an essential part of training, not only before and during, but it's also a necessary part of the recovery process after exercise. Our bodies need to replenish the energy they use with adequate nutrients.
What Should I Eat After Doing Sports?

Last update: 01 January, 2019

An adequate exercise regime is essential for maintaining good health. And, if you accompany it with a balanced diet, it’ll give you excellent results. Next, we will look at a list of foods you should eat after doing sports so that your body will recover faster.

More self-esteem, less illness

Physical exercise generates well-being, promotes optimism, improves self-esteem, and helps to prevent diseases. If you include carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants into your diet, you can be sure that it will enhance the effects of performing sports. It also improves endurance and physical condition.

Exercise helps to regulate your metabolism, increase energy expenditure and eliminate an excess of body fat. These are the foods that you should eat after doing sports, they’re the ideal complement to help you achieve your goals.

Avocado is your friend

Avocado is your friend when it comes to replenishing your body’s  energy  levels after training. Its high in unsaturated fatty acids, vegetable protein, and vitamin E which contribute to the formation of muscles.

Avocados are great because while they have a high energetic value, they’re still low in calories, which makes them superior to other fruits. They’re perfect for controlling excess weight, hypertension, and cholesterol. You can eat an avocado by itself, put it in salads or in smoothies. Either way, they’re the perfect food to eat after a session of intense physical training.

Oily fish for omega-3

There are many varieties of oily fish that are ideal for you to eat after exercising. Salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel or herring are the most recommended. Eating high dosages of omega-3 fatty acids and essential amino acids strengthen muscle mass and reduce the tension caused by exercising.

Sardines, salmon, herring, and tuna, among other oily fish, are a natural source of omega-3.


Bananas provide the body with natural sugars and essential minerals which contribute to muscle recovery after doing sports. They also replenish glucose reserves without increasing the level of glucose in the blood. Moreover, bananas contain electrolytes, that helps to prevent dehydration and keep the body balanced.

Eggs: proteins and minerals

Eggs contain proteins and essential minerals that’ll help your muscles recover and become stronger. They’ll provide your body with a considerable amount of energy when boiled. They’re the ideal food to eat after doing sports.

Soy milk for pure energy

The proteins and healthy fats present in soy milk provide the body with high levels of energy. Consuming it after exercise will help your muscles to quickly recover.

Soy milk is ideal for athletes training in high-impact sports because of its high content of vitamins, fiber, and minerals. It also helps to balance the level of sugars in our blood.

Brown rice, amino acids, and carbohydrates

Brown rice is another excellent complement. It replenishes the intestinal mucosa and helps eliminate waste from the body. At the same time, it’s a source of energy due to its high content of essential amino acids and carbohydrates.

Almonds are small but effective

Like many nuts, almonds are ideal for athletes. They’re small but effective, their content of high-quality proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals replenishes the body after intense exercise. They also help to restore balance to the body while you’re exercising.

Deliciously rich quinoa

Quinoa is cereal with a high content of nutrients; it’s rich in fibers, proteins, and antioxidants. Its low caloric intake and its easy digestion make losing weight easier. Combining quinoa with raw vegetables is recommended for those who want to strengthen muscle mass.

Carbohydrates are fuel for the body

Carbohydrates can’t be left out of the post-workout diet! They’re an excellent source of fuel for the body and the brain because they allow our tissues to recover, strengthen muscles and replenish glycogen levels.

As cereals, they provide fiber and essential nutrients to help your body recover after physical practice. So, they’re an ideal accompaniment to skim milk or yogurt.

Strawberries, blackberries or blueberries

A strawberry, blackberry or blueberry milkshake is another healthy and effective option to consume after playing sports. They reduce the risk of a heart attack, produce satiety due to their high fiber content and are low in calories.

Chia is delicious with dairy

Chia, an edible seed rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, is ideal for athletes. Its nutritional value is has been compared to a mixture of salmon, spinach and growth hormones. And, if you mix it with dairy products, it gives it a unique flavor.

Nutritious proteins

Protein’s nutritional value is widely known. They help muscle growth and repair after an intense exercise regime. They contribute to the replacement of muscle fibers that break during training and prevent you from feeling weak and atrophied.

These foods are perfect to eat after doing sports and will help your body recover after an intense work-out. Eating them will help improve your physical condition and emotional state in the short and long term.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.