Game Analysis of Víctor Tomás: the handball star

Víctor Tomás made his debut in the year 2003 and is considered to be a handball idol. This is due to his speed and skill in the defense.
Game Analysis of Víctor Tomás: the handball star

Last update: 15 November, 2019

Víctor Tomás is considered to be one of the best handball players in the world. His fearlessness as a right-wing for FC Barcelona has given him 50 titles in his 14-year career. The rewards will undoubtedly keep adding up because he’s an athlete to admire!

Víctor Tomás is part of a handball team that belongs to the ASOBAL Spanish league. He’s a right wing in the FC Barcelona Lassa and the key to his success lies in the speed and intensity that he applies to each game.

The origins of Víctor Tómas

Víctor Tomás
Photograph by Jordi Cotrina

This talented handball player was born in 1985. He spent many years preparing and practicing in low profile handball teams. Playing professionally was always his dream and he was lucky enough to have the support of his family, to whom he’s now grateful for his current position.

He joined the cadet team for two seasons, which opened up the opportunity to play for the youth team for another three seasons. After this and between the years 2002 and 2003, he made great progress and joined FC Barcelona.  For the last few years, he’s enjoyed his role of captain and referee for the team.

Personal profile of Víctor Tomás

He’s 1,78 m tall and weighs around 89 kg. He’s been a fan of handball ever since he was eight years old and he had his professional debut in the German World Championship of 2007. It’s worth mentioning that he’s left-handed, but he plays as a right wing with great agility and speed. He improves his defense noticeably for each encounter.

He’s considered to be at the heart and soul of the team and is on the list of the top 10 highest scorers. Moreover, he’s the main player in the Spanish league, thanks to his effectiveness and skill. He’s among the eight best players in the world.

The role of Víctor Tomás in FC Barcelona

Despite his small stature, this emblematic player has provided the FC Barcelona team with massive achievements. One of these is surpassing the invincible record in the league that Granollers established in 1972; achieving 72 undefeated matches. He considers himself a fan of teams in Barcelona, which gives him the motivation he needs to boost this team.

He has a contract with the club until 2020, which is why he’ll continue to be the main player in the game and the top player in FC Barcelona.

Awards and triumphs

Víctor Tomás has managed to establish a number of awards and titles due to his participation with FC Barcelona. The blue and red club player has given his team 14 years of dedication. He’s been well-rewarded for his efforts and we have summarized these below:

  • 3 European cups
  • 9 ASOBAL leagues
  • 2 Super Globes
  • 8 Copas del Rey
  • 7 ASOBAL cups
  • 1 EHF cup
  • 11 Catalunya Supercups
  • 2 ASOBAL Supercups

His awards have been distributed over eight different competitions, making him the most active player with the highest number of titles in the team. He’s also won:

  • Bronze medal in the Beijing Olympic Games 2008
  • World Champion 2013
  • Bronze medal in the 2014 European Men’s Handball Championship played in Denmark
  • Silver medal in the 2016 European Men’s Handball Championship played in Poland
Víctor Tomás
Image courtesy of

Interesting facts about Víctor Tomás

The red and blue club player also has certain curiosities that have marked his life and that his supporters and followers may find interesting. Here are some more facts on Víctor Tomás:

  • Before joining the Barcelona team in 1998, he’d already played in different teams; a positive experience for his incorporation.
  • He has a tattoo of a demon in his left arm, to remind him about the need to keep his feet on the ground.
  • The year 2014-2015 was historical since he won seven of the trophies that the Barcelona handball team achieved in that season.
  • His father is a handball player and coach.
  • Best of all: he loves social media. This means that his fans can closely follow his career.

In conclusion, Víctor Tomás is a player with great ability. He deserves every title and award that he’s achieved so far.