Tips to Start Running in the Morning

Getting used to a new schedule isn't always easy. It can also be hard for those who aren't used to regular exercise. Running in the morning requires a lot of willpower, among other things.
Tips to Start Running in the Morning

Last update: 15 November, 2019

Many runners who are used to training in the afternoon or at night, see amazing gains when they start running in the morning.

The list of benefits of morning runs span from physical to mental ones. Your muscles tend to be rested, free of tension, and your brain is more motivated. Your body releases any stress from the day before and you can face your day with more energy. Find out how you can start running in the morning.

Rule #1: sleep well

A good night’s sleep is crucial to anyone’s good health. For even better results, combine adequate sleep with a balanced diet and regular exercise. If your goal is to start running in the morning, it becomes even more important.

Woman in bed thinking

Ideally, you need between seven and eight hours of sleep after a long and exhausting day. Indeed, to sleep well, you’ll also need a dark bedroom and to turn off any device that can disturb your sleep. This includes computers, tablets, and televisions.

In addition, looking at your phone just before closing your eyes is not a good idea. Instead, read a book, listen to calming music, or perform relaxation exercises.

A light and nutritious dinner

Also, eating a light and nutritious dinner is essential to sleeping well. Further, make sure to eat at least two hours before going to bed. Doing so will ensure that your digestive system has finished its work and that your body is ready to rest.

Furthermore, dinner should include easily digested carbohydrates and proteins. These nutrients will make exercising easier for the next day.

Leave everything ready

At five o’clock in the morning, getting out of bed may require more effort than running three miles at a fast pace. As such, aim to reduce possible excuses that can pop up when you’re trying to beat fatigue.

A great strategy to counter fatigue is to have everything ready the night before. Still drowsy, early-morning runners should know they have everything they need to meet their goals.

This includes everything from choosing your clothes to putting a small bottle of water in the fridge. Also, make sure you charge your phone and know exactly where you’ve left your keys, wallet, or any other accessories.

Running in the morning woman smiling

Should you run on an empty stomach?

There’s a lot of debate about this topic. Some people insist on the benefits of running in the morning without eating breakfast. However, there are also many who consider this very harmful for your body.

Still, if you’re not used to running in the morning, you should eat a small snack before starting out.

What’s more, the sugar in fruits such as bananas is good for “shaking” off any heaviness you may feel in the morning. A cup of coffee, preferably without sugar, is another good option to give your muscles an extra boost.

Start running in the morning: better with a group

Those who are used to working out in the afternoon probably don’t miss company. But for those who want to start running in the morning, having fellow runners can be an extra incentive.

When large groups form, sticking with routines is no longer an individual thing. In addition, it’s always nice to have support when you feel like giving up.

Dress appropriately

Often, people take up new fitness plans in January to take on their new year’s resolutions. But running in the winter requires special considerations that can make beginners give up before they even start.

Besides snow, overdressing for a run isn’t a good idea. As the sun begins the rise, so does the temperature. Combine that with your body heat, and you may start to feel a fatigue that you can’t quite shake off.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.