6 Core Exercises with Kettlebells
Kettlebells are mainly used in CrossFit, but they’re more versatile than that; we can adapt them to all kinds of routines. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the different core exercises that you can do using a kettlebell.
The best core exercises with kettlebells
Are you getting bored of doing “common” sit-ups, but you still want to have a toned belly? Let’s be honest, who doesn’t? The good news is that there are different core exercises that you can do using kettlebells that’ll exercise your abs and allow you to innovate your routine. We’ll detail some of those routines below:
1. Swing kettlebells with both hands
This exercise is one of the most complete, since, besides working your abs, you’ll be strengthening your arms, shoulders, back, and legs. To do this exercise, stand up with the kettlebell in front of you, open your legs slightly, and bend your knees.
Once you’re in this position, take the kettlebell with both hands and swing it back between your legs to get an impulse. The idea is to raise your arms without flexing them while stretching your legs. It’s a constant and harmonious movement, in which the abdomen acts as a “stabilizer.”
2. Lateral sit-ups with kettlebells
Sit on the mat with your knees bent. Try to place your torso perpendicular to the ground, as close as possible to your knees. Then, take the kettlebell with both hands in front of your legs. Make your torso rotate towards your sides, accompanied by the weight of the kettlebell.
A second exercise to do from this same position consists of lifting and swinging the kettlebell with your arms and torso to the right and your hips and legs to the left and vice versa. In this exercise, you can’t touch the floor with your feet at all!
3. Side drops
This exercise is one of the most complex core exercises since it requires not only strength but also balance and coordination. We recommend that you start with a lightweight kettlebell, then, when you feel comfortable, you can start using heavier ones.
Stand up, take the kettlebell with your right hand and slightly open your legs. Lift the kettlebell with your arm as much as you can, stretch it well; the idea is to lift the weight above your head.
Afterward, extend your left arm out laterally, then start to lower your torso, so that you can touch your left leg with your left hand. This way, you’ll work out your lateral core. After 15 repetitions, change sides.
4. Planks with weight
Surely you’ve heard about one of the most successful exercises of recent times: the plank. This time, you’ll use two kettlebells to make things a bit more complicated.
Place the kettlebells shoulder-width apart and hold one in each hand. Put yourself in a plank position, stretching your legs out and supporting yourself with your tiptoes. Your other points of support will be your hands on the kettlebell.
If that seems too simple, you can make it complicated: lift the weight in your right hand, slightly shift your body weight to the left. Count to 3 and lower the kettlebell; then, repeat the exercise on the other side.
5. Circular movements
In theory, this is one of the most simple core exercises you can do. However, when you begin to practice it, you’ll quickly realize that you need a lot of strength and concentration to do it. While you’re standing up with your legs slightly spaced apart, take the kettlebell with your right hand; swing your arm around your back and pass the weight to your left hand behind your back.
The idea is to do this drill once in front of you and then behind you. Throughout the exercise, you shouldn’t move anything other than your arms. After ten passes, change direction.
6. Sit-ups with a kettlebell
Core exercises also include sit-ups, but this time, you’ll use the kettlebell. Lay on your back with your legs stretched straight out and your back completely against the floor. Hold the kettlebell with both hands and lift it over your head.
Subsequently, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Raise your torso and lift your shoulder blades off the ground. At no time should you flex your arms, they should always be pointing towards the ceiling. Another similar exercise is to keep the kettlebell at chest height and “pass it” over your legs when you raise your torso.
These core exercises will help work your abs out without having to do that “typical and boring” routine you know so well. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to practice these great exercises!
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- Oltra Vidal, A. (2015). Entrenamiento del CORE : selección de ejercicios seguros y eficaces. Educación Física y Deportes, Revista Digital. Buenos Aires. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7348.1969.tb05489.x