Try Training with Kettle Bells

Kettle bells are a type of weight with handles on the outside, that you can hold on to. They are very useful when it comes to CrossFit, and are available in traditional gyms. In fact, because they are practical, many people even have them in their homes.
Try Training with Kettle Bells

Last update: 26 October, 2018

Kettle bells are a gym accessory that allow for strength and cardiac training at the same time. In addition, they can combine a large amount of muscle groups simultaneously. Here, we will detail their benefits and give you some exercises that you can do with them.

Benefits of using kettle bells

The main advantage with this equipment is that it allows people to exercise a large group of muscles at the same time. Also, with planning, we can perform high intensity cardio, which helps burn calories to lose weight and tone.

There is a very practical element of this: having kettle bells of two or three different weights, means we are able to plan out our own routine. If we use them in the gym, they provide an alternative way to complement work for each muscle group.

On the other hand, using them is rather simple. Although their use requires a specific technique, novices can make use of them for their exercises with no problem.

Five exercises with kettle bells

1. Swing

This exercise is the most common. Doing this, we can work the thighs, the quadriceps, the lumbar area, the glutes, the forearms, the shoulders and chest. Additionally, we can strengthen the abdomen, which in turn, strengthens the core.

The swing consists of standing up with feet wide apart (shoulder width) and the arms stretched out, holding the weight in front of the hips.  From there, briskly pass the weight through your legs and lift above the head. Another version, called the Russian Swing, is to only raise it to the height of the shoulders.


During the entire process we should keep our back straight and the arms stretched out. Also, the weight should be supported by the fingertips and the abdomen. The glutes should be tightened.

Lowering the weight to the original position, we should take advantage of the impulse to repeat the movement. To lift up the weight, the effort should not be made with the arms, but with the extension of the hips.


2. Dead weight

Just like conventional dead weight, this allows us to work the glutes and the lower back muscles. To do this, stand up with the kettle weight on the floor in front of you.

Bend your knees, push out the chest, straighten the back and bend over to reach for the weight. From there, go back to the original position, still holding the weight. Remember to keep the knees in a bent position and contract the glutes and the abdomen.

3. Squats with kettle bells

These weights are also useful to do classic squats. You just have to take the weight upside down with both hands and hold it against your chest. Then do a squat without bending the back and remember to always look straight ahead.

4. Lunge and stride

For the lunge, use the same grasp that you used to do the squats. Again, keep the weight over the chest, holding it from below. Preferably, try to bend the elbows, holding them at the height of the abdomen.

Then, just do a traditional stride pose. For this, flex one knee and take a step forward. Leave the other behind and flex until you’re touching the floor.

5. Chest exercises

To finalize this list of exercises, we will discuss working the chest with kettle bells. The first consists of lying face down with a weight in each hand. Of course, choose the ones that you are able to handle. Grasp them from underneath.

Start with the arms stretched upward. Lower one toward the chest and at the same time, turn the handle in a way that your palm faces the other arm. Do this alternately with each weight.

The other chest exercise is simpler. Put the weights on the floor with the handles pointed up and from there you can do the traditional push-ups.

Two important points about this workout:  Always keep the back straight and put the weights in a position just above the shoulders.

In conclusion, kettle bells can be a perfect multi-functional accessory for your exercise routine. Don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of their benefits and uses.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.