Stubborn Fat Deposits

Exercise as much as you may, there are areas on your body where stubborn fat accumulates and seemingly refuses to budge. Learn how you can target them today!
Stubborn Fat Deposits

Last update: 07 January, 2020

Have you heard about spot-reduction? Spot-reduction consists of doing many reps of the same exercise to focus on stubborn fat deposits. But don’t look too much into it, it’s just a myth.

What are localized fat deposits?

Let’s review the myth: many people believe that the body can target fat by exercising a specific muscle group, but it’s actually quite the opposite.

In order to lose fat in a specific area, you have to turn to complex movements and exercises that really exert muscles. These kinds of exercises will increase your energy-burn and, in turn, help you reduce fat.

Important genetic factor in reducing stubborn fat deposits

There are actually several factors that might determine your chances of eliminating those stubborn problems. First and foremost are genetic factors.

People who have a pear-shaped body tend to store fat in their hips and thighs. On the other hand, apple-shaped bodies will usually store fat in the abdominal region.

Both weight and fat-distribution depend on these factors or your constitution. Thus, everybody gains and loses weight in different despite efforts to target certain areas.

stubborn fat deposits factors

Five tips for eliminating stubborn fat

In order to target those stubborn areas, you need to put your body in a situation where it has to burn its fat reserves. Just as we said earlier, forget about spot-reduction and focus on overall exercises. You can skip your sit-ups because they’ll only help you build your abdominal muscles.

Following a proper diet and workout routine is crucial. Follow our tips below and you’ll be well on your way to your goals.

1. Complex exercises

Complex exercises are great for reducing stubborn fat deposits. If you want to reach your goals, add on complex exercises such as sit-ups, push-ups or other bodyweight exercises to your aerobic routine.

Calisthenics workouts have become so popular these days and they’re a great solution for losing fat. They can help you increase your calorie-burn, which helps eliminate stubborn fat deposits.

2. Aerobic exercise: burn stubborn fat

Doing exercises or activities that imply a higher calorie-burn such as running, jumping, or the like can force your body to turn to its fat reserves. If you want to get to that point in your aerobic exercises, make sure you aim for 30-40 minutes.

Your body will burn off its first energy reserves, carbohydrates, and after, turn to the fat that’s stored in those stubborn areas.

stubborn fat deposits aerobic

3. HIIT workouts

We’ve mentioned the benefits of high-intensity interval training workouts in our previous posts. They don’t only help you to burn more energy, but they also help your body to continue burning fat, even after your workout.

HIIT workouts are key for burning off accumulated calories. After you finish your work out, your body still needs the fuel to recover and will tap into those stubborn reserves.

4. Low-calorie diet: eliminate stubborn fat

As you already know, the balance between diet and exercise is essential. You have to control, plan and organize your diet to make sure that you’re burning more than you’re taking in. You should also reduce your carb intake while increasing your fiber consumption over time.

5. Extra help

Alternative treatments such as lymphatic drainage, lotions that stimulate blood circulations or medical treatments such as mesotherapy can help in tougher cases. However, by themselves, they won’t help you reach your goals. Make sure you consult a medical professional before you try any of these methods.

You’re all set with our tips. Start getting serious and tackle those stubborn fat deposits. Get the body of your dreams with an iron will and consistency!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Ramirex-Campillo; R., Andrade; D., Campos-Jara; C., Henriquez-Olguin; C., Alvarez-Lepin; C., & Izquierdo, M. 2013, August. Regional Fat Changes Induced by Localized Muscle Endurance Resistance Training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27(8), 2219-2224.
  • Schoenfeld, B., & Dawes, J. (2009, December). High-Intensity Interval Training: Applications for General Fitness Training. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 31 (6), 44-46.
  • Smith, D., & Fiddler, R. (2012). Clients With Nutritional and Metabolic Concerns. In J. Coburn, & M. Malek, NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training (2nd ed., pp. 489-519). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.