Low Carb Diet: Good for the Planet and Your Body Too
A low carb diet is based on fresh produce and very few processed foods. What’s more, it prioritizes ecologically sound foods and promotes the reduction of meat consumption. There are two fundamental elements of this diet. The first reduces the impact of human beings on the planet and the second is that it improves your health.
A low carb diet is good for the planet
Adopting healthy dietary eating habits would notably reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Consequently, the majority of these emissions come from extensive farming. So, diminishing the consumption of meat could positively affect the health of the planet.
Even changes in the general level of food consumption could make an impact on the atmosphere, similar to that of abandoning the use of aircraft.
A low carb diet is healthy for people
It’s clear that eliminating processed food means healthy humans. In the first place, it would reduce the consumption of toxic substances such as acrylamide. Also, there are trans fats and sugar in these foods that can cause inflammation and illnesses after prolonged use.
At the same time, it’s good to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and legumes. These foods are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Because of this, they’re great to prevent oxidation and the formation of free radicals. They also reduce the inflammatory process.
As if this weren’t enough, fresh foods tend to have fewer calories than processed foods. This translates to less body fat and diminishes the risk of obesity. Clearly, this notably reduces the risk of experiencing complicated illnesses that can develop after a while.
One of the major risks of developing diabetes is the consumption of sweets and processed food. Even worse, diabetes tends to bring other complications such as coronary problems. Adopting a low carb diet minimizes this problem that has developed into an epidemic in today’s society.
Locally produced foods are best
The low carb diet also promotes the consumption of locally produced food. Today, food can travel thousands of miles from where it’s produced to where it’s consumed.
Therefore, this transportation also increases harmful emissions for the planet. That’s why it’s preferable to consume food produced locally that doesn’t have to travel long distances.
This fact brings with it another advantage. Consequently, the food can be fresher, depending on the season, with fewer additives. It’s true that fewer additives and pesticides are better for our health.
Actually, these products are tested and offer certain security. Nevertheless, we don’t really exactly know the effects they have on the body, or if they simply take several years to be eliminated from the body.
Consuming foods in season reduces the need for energy for their production. A tomato from a greenhouse uses much more energy than a tomato produced in the correct growing season. This is another means of reducing emissions and wasted energy. Ecological agriculture uses 50 percent less energy than conventional systems.
The last point to make about a low carb diet is to avoid eating in excess. This way you avoid wasting food. At the same time, there’s less risk of obesity and being overweight. Consuming vegetables instead of meat also contributes to this last statement.
The low carb diet is doubly positive. On the one hand, it reduces the impact that humans have on the planet. On the other hand, it’s better for your health. It’s also a good way to fight against diabetes and obesity, two illnesses endemic in today’s world.
It’s important to prioritize the consumption of local and fresh foods. Together with increased consumption of vegetables and less consumption of meat products, means we’ll have healthier bodies.
To conclude, what stands out is trying to avoid processed foods. This type of food not only leaves an ecological footprint but is also clearly harmful to our health.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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