The Benefits of Coconut Oil and Exercise

Ninety percent of coconut oil is saturated fat and its composition led many to believe that coconut oil should be avoided. However, people have since discovered that far from harming our bodies, coconut oil actually offers it plenty of benefits.
The Benefits of Coconut Oil and Exercise

Last update: 19 August, 2020

These days, there’s plenty of advice that can help us work towards a healthy body and lifestyle. Coconut oil and exercise are a powerful combination. In today’s post, we’ll tell you more about why this is.

What is coconut oil?

Up until a few years ago, coconut oil had a bad reputation, but, it’s completely different nowadays. In fact, today, it’s one of the most sought-after food products by athletes and consumers alike.

Extracted from the white flesh, it’s vegetable oil. Maybe you’ve only tried dried coconut before?

It’s not naturally found dried though; to reach a dried state, coconuts have to be processed. During this process, manufacturers extract the fat from the coconut, which is transformed into precious and transparent oil.

Although the fat is saturated, the fat in coconuts contains medium-chain triglycerides, making them more akin to the kinds of fat found in breast milk. As opposed to those found in cheese or milk.

Coconut oil fat

Benefits of combining exercise with coconut oil

Helps with weight loss

If one of your reasons for working out is weight loss, coconut oil can help your journey. Studies have shown that the triglycerides found in coconut, which we mentioned earlier in our post, speed up metabolism. As a result, your body uses more energy and burns more calories than normal.

The more body fat that you have, the bigger effect that the oil will have on your metabolism. This translates into visual results. By substituting your cooking oils with this product, you could lose around 35 pounds in one year. Not to mention that it also helps to reduce appetite and is easily digestible.

Coconut oil strengthens the immune system

Coconut oil strengthens the immune system thanks to its antimicrobial lipids and other acids that act as antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agents. These qualities make it perfect for fighting the flu, herpes, or other infections.

Great for cholesterol

Coconut oil and exercise helps to lower bad cholesterol while raising the good kind. In addition, it also reduces triglyceride levels and improves blood circulation. This is on top of eliminating oxidizing agents from the bloodstream.

All of the above advice helps to prevent cardiovascular and circulatory complications, including varicose veins.


It’s very easy on the digestion and helps our systems run smoothly. In turn, this helps to prevent conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome. The saturated fats found in the oil help fight against bacteria and parasites that could provoke indigestion.

Coconut oil digestion

Reduces abdominal fat

One of the biggest goals for anyone who loves to exercise is reducing abdominal fat. It really is the perfect solution. Some people say that consuming coconut oil each day could help you lose abdominal fat without having to exercise. Just imagine what you could achieve by combining coconut and exercise!

Great for hair and skin

Used in all types of beauty products, coconut oil is wonderful for hair and skin. It keeps skin moisturized, protects you against aging, and prevents wrinkles.

As you’ve read today, coconut oil is an incredible ally for regular exercise and helps you to be strong inside and out. Try it for yourself and let us know how it works for you!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.