What Role Does Taurine Play?

Taurine supplements may be helpful when it comes to reducing the incidence of neuro-degenerative and metabolic diseases. However, it's important to note that the optimal dosage hasn't been established as yet.
What Role Does Taurine Play?

Last update: 25 November, 2020

Taurine is an amino acid that has various health implications. Although all of its beneficial effects on physical activity haven’t been fully demonstrated, it plays an active role in many important physiological reactions.

Firstly, it’s important to note that good health doesn’t simply rely on supplements. In order to be healthy, you must practice physical exercise and guarantee a balanced diet.

Uses of taurine

You can find taurine in energy drinks. Experts consider energy drinks to be unhealthy in general due to the large quantities of caffeine they contain. A study published in the journal Birth Defects Research emphasized the dangers that these drinks pose during childhood and adolescence.

However, the consumption of taurine during adulthood can offer certain benefits. It’s also available in supplement form and you can also find it in protein form when it comes from animal origin.

Effective in the treatment of neurological issues

According to research published in the journal, Redox Biology, one of the clinical applications of taurine has to do with its power to improve the prognosis of neurological diseases. Therefore, taurine can be added as a supplement to conventional treatment schemes.

Taurine pills

Taurine can be useful when it comes to epilepsy management. Taurine is also effective when it comes to reducing the gravity of sleep disorders. In addition, research shows that it may play a role in preventing neural tube defects. Its application as a treatment in patients with hyperactivity disorder is currently being studied. However, we need more clinical trials to confirm all of these claims.

Its application with diabetes

Yet another benefit of taurine is its ability to reduce insulin resistance. According to a study published in Amino Acids, supplements are capable of reducing the aggressiveness of type two diabetes. Taurine has also been shown to facilitate the management of the disease. It’s important, however, to incorporate a lifestyle change in order to reduce the incidence of diabetes and to improve its prognosis.

The reduction of carbohydrates and the practice of physical exercise are efficient methods to reduce insulin resistance. Intermittent fasting is also effective when it comes to diabetes management. Taurine, however, appears to enhance the effectiveness of all of these practices.

We need large trials in order to establish the appropriate taurine dosage. This will allow for the amino acid to become a staple supplement with many health benefits.

Energy drink

Taurine: a promising amino acid

As you can see, taurine is an amino acid that has huge health potential. Although the current trials are encouraging, more ambitious research should follow.

What’s known for sure today is that the substance appears to be effective when it comes to helping to prevent neurological and metabolic disorders. The latter is very common in western populations due to lifestyle habits.

It’s clear that diet and physical exercise are essential to good health. However, supplementation with certain nutrients could improve body function. Taurine appears to be one of those important supplements.

Regardless, it’s important to avoid the consumption of energy drinks that contain taurine and large amounts of caffeine. This is especially important for children and teenagers. These products may be harmful to brain development and cognitive functions. Their dangerous effects are multiplied when combined with alcoholic beverages.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Curran CP., Marczinski CA., Taurine, caffeine, and energy drinks: reviewing the risks to the adolescent brain. Birth Defects Res, 2017. 109 (20): 1640-1648.
  • Jakaria M., Azam S., Haque E., Jo SH., et al., Taurine and its analogs in neurological disorders: focus on therapeutic potential and molecular mechanisms. Redox Biol, 2019.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.