7 Tips for Doing Sit-Ups Correctly

Let's explore some recommendations that will help you target your abs as safely and effectively possible. Doing sit-ups properly will help you avoid back injuries and strains, which is very important.
7 Tips for Doing Sit-Ups Correctly

Last update: 17 July, 2018

Would you like to know if you are doing sit-ups correctly? Do you want to get great results and show off your chiseled abs? If you are not getting results, it might be because you make certain mistakes while working out. In this article, we will explore how you should be doing sit-ups correctly and help you tame this trouble spot.

Tips for doing sit-ups correctly

Any gym routine should include sit-ups or crunches. However, sometimes we realize that we are not getting the results we would like. Why could that be? Maybe you are not doing sit-ups correctly. Take a look at the following tips.

1. Keep your back straight

It does not matter which sit-up variation you are doing – your back, and your lower back especially, should be perfectly straight. It is a very common mistake to arch your back. Doing so means you are making your back work, instead of your abs.

woman doing sit-ups properly at the gym with trainer

In addition to not getting good results, you will most likely hurt yourself or get a sore backYou should also pay attention to this when doing exercises where you have to lift your back off the ground.

2. Move slowly

Thereis no point in finishing your sets quickly if your abs are not toned. In the fitness world, they say that it is always better to make slow and well-controlled movements. Contrarily, fast and uncontrolled ones only lead to pain and cramps. One of the keys to doing sit-ups correctly is to avoid jerking movements.

3. Be careful with your neck

If your neck hurts, then it means you are not doing sit-ups correctly. The only part of your body that should be working is your abs. Here is a trick: rest your chin on your chest or get it as close as possible. And of course, do not forget to put your hands behind your neck and support it well. Your elbows should always be facing outwards with your arms wide open. This will ensure that your abdominals are doing all the work.

woman doing bicycle crunch on mat

4. Pay attention to your breathing

People tend to exercise without focusing on their inhalation and exhalation technique which is a serious mistake. The key to doing sit-ups correctly is to breathe in before contracting your abs, and to breathe out when you release them.

In other words, you should take a breath when your back is against the ground or on the mat and release your breath when you are at the top of the sit-up position.

5. Take advantage of isometric exercises

Isometric exercises are those where you hold your position for a few seconds. You can use it to target many muscle groups, including your abs.

If you use isometric exercise during your workout, you will get faster results. There are many that tone your abs – start by extending your legs and lifting them. Lift your torso and balance yourself by stretching out your arms on the sides of your body. Your body should form a ‘V’ shape. Another option is where your calves are parallel to the floor and at the same height as your arms.

6. Modify your routine

If you are always doing the same exercises, your muscles will get used to them and will not improve. That is why it is important to change your workout routine once in a while. The same goes for any discipline you practice.

When it comes to sit-ups, the good news is that there are many options to choose from! You can do sit-ups with your legs bent, stretched out, or lifted. You can also do them with your torso straight or to the side, with a ball or with an elastic band. You will never get bored!

7. Stretch once you have finished

woman stretching at home

Doing sit-ups correctly also involves stretching once you have finished working out. Even if it seems boring, do not skip this part. Stretching makes your muscles recover better and gives you a moment to relax. Finally, it is also ideal for letting your heart rate come back down.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.