Fit Ball Exercises you can do at Home
Working out with a fit ball is becoming more and more popular among athletes that want to exercise at home. Working out at home means that athletes aren’t tied to a schedule or have to worry about space and time limitations. In order for you to improve your workout routine, we’ll present some of the best fit ball exercises that you can do at home.
Certainly, fit ball workouts are used in both athletic training and alternative therapy exercises. The instability of the ball’s surface makes it an ideal piece of equipment to engage more muscles in the exercises.
For this reason, these balls have become a basic element in fitness facilities and many homes all around the world. Using them regularly when performing bodyweight movements can help to increase the functional strength of every muscle in your body. It also reduces the risk of sports injuries, improves your posture and supports the muscles responsible for enduring the tension in weightlifting.
You can incorporate fit balls in a large number of disciplines and different exercises. It can be an important tool to include in your routine or just something you incorporate once in a while to diversify your workouts.
The best fit ball exercises that you can do at home
Don’t forget that you can use a fit ball to improve simple exercises, such as push-ups and crunches for example. To help you choose, we’ve prepared a list of the best fit ball exercises that you can do at home. Take notes and choose your favorite!
1. Walking on top of the fit ball
To start this exercise, you must place your abdomen on top of the ball. Your toes and hands should be touching the floor while you position the ball below your ankles.
The exercise then consists of moving backward, trying to keep the ball under your body. Repeat the movement about six times and try to keep this plank position during the estimated reps. You’ll feel your whole abdomen working!
2. Push-ups
For people who love push-ups, the fit ball is an excellent tool to liven up the workout and add difficulty. At the same time, the instability of the ball engages all the muscles in your body more intensely.
The exercise is very simple. All you have to do is use the fit ball to support your feet while touching the floor with the palms of your hands. From that point, flex your arms as if you were doing a traditional push-up. Do as many reps as you can. After a few sessions, you’ll be able to increase the number of reps!
3. Superman
The superman exercise helps to improve your posture and balance. To start, lie on your belly on top of the exercise ball. Then, extend both legs and arms outwards to stretch your body completely. This will help to improve your balance.
However, if you feel that extending your arms and legs at the same time is too complicated, you can always lift your right leg and left arm to alternate the movement. You’ll soon gain confidence while you perform the exercise.
4. Squats
You can use the fit ball to improve your squatting technique. All you have to do is place it between the wall (or another person, as you can see in the image) and the bottom of your back. The ball allows you to lean back and helps to increase the range of motion in the squatting position.
At the same time, this is a great way to learn basic coordination and balance. It also helps people to improve their position awareness and the movement of their own body during an exercise. Even for the most experienced athletes, it’s ideal to add an extra level of instability and difficulty.
Before concluding, remember that prior to performing any of these fit ball exercises, you must warm-up and stretch the muscles in your body to prevent injuries and give it your best. If you include these exercises in your routine, you’ll enjoy amazing benefits!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Hildenbrand, K., & Noble, L. (2004). Abdominal Muscle Activity while Performing Trunk-Flexion Exercises Using the Ab Roller, ABslide, FitBall, and Conventionally Performed Trunk Curls. Journal of Athletic Training, 39(1), 37–43.
- Pappas, E., Panou, H., & Souglis, A. (2013). The effect of a pilates exercise programme using fitball on people suffering from chronic low-back pain in terms of pain reduction and function imrovement. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 13(4), 606–611.
- Witt, L. N. (2001). Use of the stability ball as a chair in the classroom TL – 1. Unpublished Manuscript. Retrieved July, 1 VN-re, 2009. Retrieved from OF THE STABILITY BALL AS A CHAIR IN THE CLASSROOMwittfittstudy.pdf