Jumping Rope at Home

If you'd like to work out without going to the gym, jumping rope at home is a great option. Keep reading to learn more.
Jumping Rope at Home

Last update: 05 January, 2019

Often, intense work days and responsibilities don’t leave us with the time to go to the gym and work out. However, did you know that jumping rope at home is a great option? All you need is a jump rope. Start jumping rope at home and get in shape!

Using a jump rope offers benefits for your bones and muscles that most gym exercises just can’t match. Among other benefits, jumping rope at home can also help you burn calories.

Ensure results

However, if you want to make any change to your body, you’ll also have to follow a proper diet to help you lose weight. Simply put, you should eat fewer calories than you burn during the day.

What’s more, sticking to a balanced diet and performing regular exercises are the best ways to make calories disappear. Best of all, you’ll never have an excuse not to work out at home. Even if the weather is lousy and you travel a lot for work, all you need is a jump rope for an intense workout.

Jumping rope at home

Why jump rope?

If you haven’t touched a jump rope since your childhood, we’ll tell you everything you need to know.

The first point you should take into account is to find a jump rope suited for your height. To do so, put one foot in the middle of the rope and lift the handles. Then, make sure the rope doesn’t go past your armpits.

Also, when you jump, your feet have to lift no more than a couple of inches from the ground. As such, the jump rope should have enough room to slide under your feet. In other words, the only part of your feet that should touch the floor is your toes.

Then, keep your elbows glued to your sides while turning the rope. What’s more, you should always move it with your wrists and forearms – never with your shoulders. If you become tired, you can drop the rope but keep your arms and legs moving. Once you’ve done a few sessions, we’re sure you’ll be able to do it for a full workout.

Jumping rope at home and burning calories while having fun

Jumping rope is a very cheap and effective way to get your heart rate going when you don’t want to go to the gym. In fact, it’s a really fun exercise that burns calories without having to invest a lot of money in a gym membership or equipment. Another benefit of jump rope is the coordination that you need to develop.

Blonde woman jump roping at home

Jumping rope is a high-intensity aerobic workout and learning to do it well is the key to boosting your metabolism. Further, it can also help improve coordination, as well as tone your legs, abdomen, shoulders, and upper back. As such, it’s ideal for those who want to improve their fitness level or performance.

In fact, it’s a high-impact exercise, meaning it’s intense and good for enhancing muscle and bone strength. If you need a low-impact option, you can try jumping while keeping your feet close to the ground. You can also try shifting your weight from side to side. Keep in mind that you don’t have to lift your feet more than a couple of inches off the ground.

Importance of diet

Remember that it’s a high-intensity exercise and that it’s better to do it in intervals and to combine it with low-impact exercises. It can even be an excellent warm-up for your exercise routine to increase your heart rate.

Finally, the most effective way to lose weight is to keep your daily caloric intake in deficit and to add cardio to your routine. You can also jump rope at home since it’s one of the most comfortable and effective ways to burn calories. It’s also a great option that doesn’t take a lot of time and doesn’t require you to leave your home. A few minutes a day are enough to lose weight and maintain your figure!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Hassanzadeh-Taheri, M., Moodi, H., Kazemi, T., Hosseini, M., Akbari, A., Doostabadi, M., & Fatemi, S. (2017). Effect of functional (aerobic) exercises on chest wall expansion and respiratory volumes in high school students. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. https://doi.org/10.4103/ATMPH.ATMPH_203_17
  • Trecroci, A., Cavaggioni, L., Caccia, R., & Alberti, G. (2015). Jump rope training: Balance and motor coordination in preadolescent soccer players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.
  • Makaruk, H. (2013).  Acute Effects of Rope Jumping, Warm-up on Power And Jumping Ability in Track and Field Athletes. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism. https://doi.org/10.2478/pjst-2013-0018

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.