Practice Fitness Boxing To Get In Shape

Thanks to the professionalism of modern boxing, we can rely on their routines to get the most from physical effort and turn it into fitness. Try fitness boxing and see the benefits.
Practice Fitness Boxing To Get In Shape

Last update: 31 January, 2019

The word boxing may sound intimidating; however, fitness boxing is an activity that guarantees a toned, sculpted and strong body. It’s an innovative way to get in shape and improve your coordination and reflexes.

Have you ever wondered how boxers are so good at fighting? Learn about fitness boxing in this article, the training that will make you look as strong as a boxer. Keep reading!


Boxing is a sport where you fight inside a ring wearing boxing gloves. It also has certain rules, movements, and necessary clothing to practice it the right way.

This discipline is hundreds of years old. In ancient Greece, people fought without gloves, but as time passed by, this activity became more popular and they began to fine-tune some details.

Woman practicing fitness boxing


The training and diet of a boxer are usually designed to develop their strength, speed, and endurance, among other things. Likewise, the exercises they do are often demanding, in order to achieve good performance in the ring.

Fitness boxing

Not all people love boxing; however, people recognize that it’s a sport that requires dedication and perseverance because the training routines benefit the body. On the other hand, it’s true that fighting in the ring can be dangerous.

However, beyond the execution of this sport in the ring, there’s a trend called “fitness boxing”: it’s a workout based on a boxer’s training but without having to fight against anyone.

Boxing involves high risks of injury, trauma and muscle pain, which is really dangerous to physical integrity. But, with fitness boxing, you can stay in shape without exposing your body to a bad hit.

What is it about?

Like any other physical activity, boxing requires commitment, patience, and hard work. F itness b oxing is basically performing the workouts that boxers usually do.

Boxing training consists of three parts: warm-up, exercise and rest. Each part is extremely important to guarantee progress in your physical condition:

  • Warm-up: a normal warm-up lasts between 15 and 20 minutes; but in boxing, it’s usually longer and more difficult because it’s necessary to prepare your muscles. In warm-ups, boxers usually do rope jumping, run several laps, climb stairs and do sit-ups.
  • Exercise: at this stage, you can directly do combat exercises. Such as hitting the punching bag or improving your speed, technique, and types of punches. You can sometimes use a resistance band to apply pressure and use more strength.
  • Rest: this doesn’t mean lying down and being still, but preventing any type of injury or pain trough low-intensity exercises and stretching.
Girl working out with fitness boxing

Fitness boxing is recommended for both men and women and can increase your physical performance to incredible levels. In addition to that, it’s also an excellent activity for building self-confidence.

Bring out your warrior spirit

Fitness boxing is much better than you think, not only to get in shape but to clear your mind and reduce any stress that you might have in your daily life. Here are many reasons why you should try it:

  • You don’t need much: just a pair of boxing gloves and motivation.
  •  No harm risk: if you like boxing but are afraid of getting hurt, no problem. Fitness boxing allows you to enjoy the sport without the risk of harming yourself.
  • Strengthens mental health: releases endorphins and reduces stress.
  • Defines the abdomen: warm up and hitting exercises tone the abs, making them defined.
  • It gives results in a short time: the combination of cardio, strength, and endurance exercises make it a complete workout that doesn’t take long to give results.
  • Improves balance and coordination: due to the combination of movements you do, you can see an improvement in your ability to control your body.
  • It’s about winning and not loosing: you don’t have to be worried about losing weight, but rather gaining skills, burning fat and toning your muscles.

Bring out the warrior spirit in you, try fitness boxing and enjoy a workout full of challenges and adventures. So, don’t think twice about it and implement this fitness variant to stay in shape. Go ahead!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Chaabène, H., Tabben, M., Mkaouer, B., Franchini, E., Negra, Y., Hammami, M., … Hachana, Y. (2015). Amateur Boxing: Physical and Physiological Attributes. Sports Medicine. Springer International Publishing.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.