Reasons Why You Should Avoid Overtraining at the Gym

Overtraining is the moment when exercising, or practicing sports is no longer healthy. Some of the consequences of overtraining at the gym are injuries, muscle tensions, inflammation and more.
Reasons Why You Should Avoid Overtraining at the Gym

Last update: 13 September, 2018

Physical exercise is undoubtedly essential for a healthy body. In addition to toning the muscles, it also lowers blood pressure, increases cardiac function, increases self-esteem and improves long-term memory. However, as with everything in life, you should avoid excess, and this includes exercise routines in the gym or at home.

Overtraining or training to excess is harmful for the body, it can cause imbalances. There are often cases where people become obsessed with exercise and they don’t take adequate breaks between training sessions.

Consequences of overtraining at the gym

Excess training,   and becoming addicted to exercise is common among beginners, who perform high-intensity exercises. This is also often the case for fitness veterans, who are already obsessed with exercise. It’s very important to listen to your body and to get enough rest, following training routines.

Woman with fatigue after overtraining.

Another consequence of overtraining is fatigue of the central nervous system. In order to perform each exercise or movement, the brain sends a command to the muscle. The habit of overtraining with routines at the gym, can cause a decline in communication from the brain to the muscle.

Moreover, overtraining can lead to a lack of nutrients within the body. Each person must consume their required daily calorie intake, in order to get the nutrients their body needs and to aid adequate recovery.

Food is the body’s fuel, essential to maintaining all training and exercise disciplines. For example, if we do not consume the necessary proteins, we can start to lack in amino acids. Amino acids are very important for muscle regeneration.

Tips to avoid overtraining and fatigue

When it comes to training it’s very important to take into account certain considerations to avoid symptoms of overtraining or fatigue. One of the most important tips is to plan your training. This method is very useful when considering the capabilities of each athlete. Therefore, it’s necessary to schedule days of training and days of rest.

We also recommend starting slowly with training, and over time, gradually increase the intensity. It’s a good idea to have an intelligent and conscientious program in order to avoid overtraining at the gym.

Personal trainer and woman planning routine to avoid overtraining.

In addition, to avoid fatigue, a good night’s sleep is essential. During the resting process the body experiences restitution and recovery. If we don’t get enough sleep, hormones can be negatively affected.

It’s essential to know the number of calories, proteins, and carbohydrates that your body needs to perform certain routines. Good nutrition will help, as will incorporating supplements in your diet.

A good recommendation for anyone who trains, is to learn to listen to their body. When something is wrong, the body shows various symptoms, such as, fatigue or insomnia. In this instance, we must stop, reflect, and review training routines, and the points mentioned above.

How to treat overtraining and fatigue?

When the body experiences fatigue or overtraining it’s advisable to take the time to rest and recover. Adequate hydration is also essential. Sports massages can relieve the symptoms of overtraining and they also help to relax the body and mind.

A final recommendation is before you begin a demanding training routine, visit the doctor for a general checkup. It’s also a good idea seek guidance from a professional sports coach to help plan your routines and advise you.

Just as with any type of physical activity, routines in the gym should be carried out in a progressive manner. Beginners have to adapt exercise programs to their physique and their ability.


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.