The Best Personal Trainers on YouTube

In the digital age, there's a lot of information you can access. YouTube has a lot of great ideas for giving your workouts a boost. In this article, we'll look at some of the best personal trainers on YouTube.
The Best Personal Trainers on YouTube

Last update: 25 November, 2018

Many people are turning to the internet, social media, and online personalities who discuss lifestyle topics. In the old days, you had to pay for good advice, but today, the best advice is at your fingertips. And even more importantly, it’s free. Below, we’ll take a look at some of the best personal trainers on YouTube. Ready to get to know them?

The best personal trainers on YouTube

Even if you know a lot about a certain topic, good advice is always welcome. This is especially true when it comes from experts and those who have a lot of experience with a certain topic. And we’re talking about dedicated professionals. The following are some of the best personal trainers on YouTube.

Sergio Peinado

Sergio Peinado jumping rope autumn
Courtesy of @sergiopeinadotrainer

Courtesy of @sergiopeinadotrainer

There may be other channels with more subscribers or views, but we’ve decided to include this channel for many reasons. Firstly, he’s a personal trainer and has a degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. In other words, he knows what he’s talking about!

Secondly, despite his great prep work to discuss any subject, he always does so in a simple way that anyone can understand. Thirdly, he was once obese himself. So, through perseverance and effort, he worked to make himself healthy inside and out.

And his body is another reason why he’s on our list – it’s incredible! Indeed, every inch of his body is chiseled from his balanced total-body workouts. He himself criticizes those who like to skip leg day.

And although there are many more reasons why Sergio Peinado is one of the best personal trainers on YouTube, we’ll add one more. He’s entertaining and easy to warm up to. In other words, he doesn’t start his videos with, “Hi, today we’ll do X exercises.” He explains them in a funny way with his friend El Fuertaco. In addition, he makes all kinds of fun and entertaining videos.

Of course, he’s also very active on social media, involving his family and day-to-day life. Finally, there’s his Fuertafit system that provides incredible results. We could go and on about Sergio…

Susana Yábar

Best personal trainers on YouTube

In just five years, Susana Yábar has become one of the most followed female athletes on YouTube. Susana is Spanish and although she’s a journalist by profession, sports have always been important to her.

Her channel brings information and sports together. She performs various exercises for all levels that work different parts of the body. In addition, her motto is “Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.” And that’s exactly what she does since each of her videos is usually recorded in an exotic location.

Indeed, her more than 44 million views pay for her amazing trips, such as luxury hotels in Bali. The truth is that her method works and she’s the living proof.

Zumba France

Zumba class in studio

If you love doing Zumba to lose those extra pounds while having fun, this is your channel. Zumba France has more than 14 teachers and 30,000 students teaching at least 30 hours of Zumba every week.

You’ll combine different styles such as hip-hop, salsa, reggaeton, and many more. The classes are fun and they’ll help you reach your goals.

Gym Virtual

Gym Virtual screenshot

Though men and woman can watch this channel, the truth is that it’s gradually become aimed at women. It’s a great channel for routines and exercises that will help you tone your whole body.

You can also learn about fitness nutrition so you’ll have the energy you need. What’s more, it’ll help you watch your waistline while making you feel healthy.

Do you already know some of the best personal trainers on YouTube from our list? If you don’t, check out their channels and pick your favorite one! We already picked ours…

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.