You Need Motivation and a Clear Approach of your Goals

Motivation is essential to achieve anything you set your mind to, no matter how simple it may seem. It's necessary to set the goals you want to achieve your personal challenges. You must focus your attention on achieving these goals without excessive effort or painful moments. 
You Need Motivation and a Clear Approach of your Goals

Last update: 02 April, 2019

Attempting to achieve the same goal many times and unsuccessfully may lead you to believe that you cannot achieve it. This isn’t true, it’s time to take a look at your motivation and setting clear goals. Keep on reading!

In life, we go through situations or watch others going through situations where things do not go as expected. Often we experience failures more than once, particularly for the same goal. These unsuccessful attempts may lead us to lose our motivation and quit. Truth be said, many goals aren’t met due to details we sometimes fail to pay attention to.

A well-built ship for motivation and clear goals

Motivation and a clear approach to your goals are essential elements necessary to achieve an objective. Flaws in these elements will make achieving your overall goal much harder. 

woman in gym with trainer

Imagine your process as a sailing ship. In order to have a safe journey, it must have a clear destination, and a sturdy construction so that it won’t sink. It’s synonymous with everyday life, you need a clear, precise approach besides a solid motivation.

On the other hand, a ship that has a weak construction, without proper maintenance, lacks a clear destination is more likely to sink or will take a very long time to reach its destination. These factors may seem irrelevant but they’re actually very important.

You are the ship’s captain

Every ship has a captain. He will be in charge, set sail and in control of everything on board. A good captain loves his ship and sails steady to its destination.

In the same way, you should love what you do in order to achieve your goals. Either you want to lose weight, run further or build muscle you need to love everything you do to reach these goals. This is how rock solid motivations are built.

Also, mishaps may occur on the way that can disturb your motivation. However, you must always keep in mind that a good captain will remain true to his ship and will always look for an answer that will allow him to keep on with his journey.

Clear goals

Goals never can be vague. Objectives cannot be constantly changed or be undefined. It’s necessary to find a specific goal and avoid being too broad.

Trainer and woman in gym

Having too many goals at the same time may cause your motivation to wander. In other words, it’s likely that you won’t achieve any of your goals because you don’t focus all your effort on a single one. Ideally you should have a single project on which you focus all your attention.

It’s completely understandable you have several goals that are related to each other, but you need to keep them in order and go step by step. Make a list of your goals and start with one. When you are done with it, cross it out and start with the next one.


Motivation and a clear approach to your goals are two different key factors that go hand in hand. This is due to the fact that motivation is produced through different components that aim at a single, special target. 

In order to achieve a goal, motivation is essential since it’s the boosting force. This is why you need to constantly look for tricks to keep you motivated in spite of problems or distractions that may come up along the way.

If at any point things become hard and you consider quitting, you need to adjust your motivation but not your goal. Factors that motivate you must evolve with you.

Be patient

Not all goals are easy to achieve. The may seem far away but enjoy the journey. Take the following advice into consideration:

  • Don’t feel overwhelmed if you don’t have a specific goal. Set your thoughts clear and ponder upon the simplest goal you can start out with.
  • Stay focused. Concentrate on your target.
  • Be patient. Everybody has a different rhythm to achieve a goal.
  • Be positive. Leave negative thoughts behind, specially if they come from other people.

Motivation and a clear approach to your goals are key factors when  you begin your journey to a clear destination. Therefore, before you start your journey you must be sure everything is crystal clear. This way your journey will be much more enjoyable. Carry on!


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Stoyanov, S. (2017). A theory of human motivationA Theory of Human Motivation(pp. 1–87). Taylor and Francis.
    • Markus, H. R., & Kitayama, S. (1991). Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation. Psychological Review98(2), 224–253.
    • Eccles, J. S., & Wigfield, A. (2002). Motivational Beliefs, Values, and Goals. Annual Review of Psychology53(1), 109–132.
    • Restrepo, L. U. Z. S., & Vida, P. D. E. (2003). La planeación estratégica un medio eficaz para elaborar y alcanzar el proyecto de vida. Scientia, (01221701), 49–53.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.