Benefits of Banana in Strength Sports

Bananas are known for their many virtues. Therefore, in this article, we'll review what their benefits are in strength sports. Take note!
Benefits of Banana in Strength Sports

Last update: 25 December, 2018

Fruits contain sources that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. So, they can help contribute to physical exercise. Next, we’ll mention some classic characteristics of strength sports, and the importance of one of the most popular and consumed fruits in the world. Learn the benefits of eating bananas for strength sports!

As an athlete, bananas can help you optimize the performance of your workouts. Among other things, you must take into account that they are a source of potassium and intense exercise and perspiration cause the loss of potassium. That’s why is especially important to increase the consumption of foods containing potassium after physical activity.

In addition, bananas are easy to digest and increase energy. But the high level of nutrients also means that this helps to stimulate the muscles. They also provide valuable amounts of carbohydrates, which are the main source of fuel for your body and muscles.

In fact, they are the ideal food to consume before performing sports, since they have a high proportion of carbohydrates that can turn into energy. Of course, we recommend eating bananas in moderation, because although there are no side effects associated with eating this fruit, an excess can trigger headaches and drowsiness.

Benefits of banana in strength sports

Next, we’ll look at the benefits of banana in strength sports:

1.-Reduces muscle cramps and pain

The first benefit of bananas in strength sports is that it can help reduce cramps and muscle pain. In large part, this is due to its mineral content and its easily digested carbohydrates.

Massage and banana reduce muscle cramp.

Although the reason for cramps is basically unknown, it’s believed to be due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. In this sense, high levels of potassium become essential when it comes to optimizing performance levels. It helps the movement of muscles, to control the water levels in your body and also prevents cramps.

2.-Stronger bones

Secondly, you should know that during intense exercise, your glycogen supply is depleted. However, you can supplement the decrease in glycogen with the consumption of bananas. Certainly, the greatest benefit of bananas is a large amount of potassium, an electrolyte that promotes muscle growth, increases the immune system, and facilitates the absorption of calcium. Calcium, in turn, helps to build stronger and healthier bones.

Also, bananas contain 16 percent of your daily value of manganese, an element that can help to prevent arthritis and osteoporosis. Manganese has a number of physiological functions, including a role in bone development and wound healing. Sufficient manganese intake is also key for the metabolism, helping your body access the energy of the food in the diet.

“Those who think they don’t have time for a healthy diet will sooner or later find time for disease.”
-Edward Stanley-

3.-Excellent fuel

Lastly, you should know that bananas are excellent fuel for training. In fact, a study carried out by the Appalachian State University has shown that bananas are better for feeding athletes compared to sports drinks. Bananas come pre-packaged with fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants, as well as a healthier mix of carbohydrates.

Sliced banana.

Don’t forget that they are a necessity for those people who participate in intense exercise. Bananas are an excellent fuel because they are a source of carbohydrates. Bananas contain abundant amounts the three essential carbohydrates too: fructose, glucose, and sucrose. The presence of these three sugars provides a long and sustained energy for your entire body.

As you have seen, bananas are ideal fruits because of the benefits they provide in strength sports, such as tennis or lifting weights. Therefore, we recommend replacing the consumption of energy drinks with bananas.

You can try eating a banana about one hour before training to leave enough time for digestion. On the contrary, you can also eat a banana after exercise to restore the nutrients in your body after a hard workout. We are convinced that you’ll soon see its benefits!


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.