Benefits of Changing Fatty Meats for Lean Meats

In general, there are two types of meat, these are fatty meats and lean meats. Replacing the first ones for the second ones is worthwhile since it will help us improve our health.
Benefits of Changing Fatty Meats for Lean Meats

Last update: 09 December, 2018

For many people, meat is one of the fundamental foods in their diet. It provides proteins and vitamin B12. When it’s time to eat this food, we can find a great variety of choice, depending on the animal and the part of its body where the meat was extracted from.

What are fatty meats?

Fatty meats are those that contain more than 10 percent of fat per 100 grams of product. In addition to providing protein, this meat adds a large amount of fat, that isn’t recommended for the body. That’s why it’s preferable to choose lean meats to benefit from these foods without having to ingest an excess of unhealthy fats.

Fatty meats depend on the animal and from which part of its body they come from. Among this type of meat, and therefore not recommended, we can find mainly the following:

  • Lamb meat
  • Sausages
  • Chicken with skin
  • T-bone steak

One way of being able to eat these meats regularly is by removing the excess fat and skin. Also, it is healthier to cook them in a grill or bake them in an oven. However, we will always promote the consumption of lean meats.

What are lean meats?

Lean meats are those meats that contain less than 10 grams of fat per 100 grams of product. This is because virtually all of its composition is muscle fiber. By containing very little fat, they are healthier since they provide the necessary proteins without causing an increase in weight or levels of fat in the body.

Lean meats mostly contain muscle fiber.

There are two types of lean meats: white meat and red meat. You’ve probably heard about these two types of meat, but, do you really know what the difference is between the two? We’ll explain it to you!

  • Red meats: these come from beef, veal, horse, game animals, and some parts of pork and lamb. This contains higher levels of fat and iron. Its consumptions should be, at most, a couple of times a month.
  • White meat: this includes meat from chicken, turkey, rabbit, and some parts of pork and lamb. They contain less fat. This type of meat can be eaten up to three times a week.

Benefits of lean meats

As you have seen, the best way to maintain a balanced diet is to eat lean meats. By that, we don’t mean to say that fat must be banished from your diet. You just need to consume it on specific occasions and with moderation.

In addition to eating lean meats, it’s important to cook them in a healthy way. It’s pointless eating low-fat meat if we batter it or accompany it with unhealthy sauces.

To this, we must add, it’s important to avoid an excessive amount of bread with which we often consume meat. Here are some of the most important benefits of lean meat consumption.

It's important to cook meat in a healthy way.
  • Low-fat content. The main advantage of changing fatty meats for lean meats is the decrease in the levels of fat that you ingest. Fat is associated with weight gain, specifically with being overweight or obese. This is because they are the most visible effects of excessive fat consumption. In fact, eating it in excess leads to many more problems, such as elevating your risk of suffering a heart attack, thrombosis, or any other type of problem.
  • It doesn’t contain sugarAlmost all food contains sugar and this is a real torment for diabetics, but that’s not the case with lean meats. In addition to having low-fat content, they don’t contain sugar. This makes them an even healthier product.
  • High fiber content. The consumption of lean meats improves intestinal transit and prevents problems such as constipation. It also contributes to the perfect state of the intestinal flora. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean meats is essential to banish digestive problems in a natural way. Use medicines only when you are experiencing recurrent problems that don’t improve with a change in diet.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.