Foods to Gain Muscle Mass

Increasing muscle mass is possible thanks to good training and a healthy diet. In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know.
Foods to Gain Muscle Mass

Last update: 01 January, 2019

If you want to increase your muscle mass it’s necessary to increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts. However, there is another factor you need to consider, and in fact, is more important: follow a healthy diet.

Therefore, in this article, we are going to tell you which foods should be included in a healthy diet to increase muscle mass.

Certainly, when it comes to increasing muscle mass food intake should be distributed throughout the day between five or six meals. This promotes the anabolic environment necessary for weight gain and the development of the musculature. On the other hand, optimal hydration is also necessary throughout the day to promote the storage of muscle glycogen.

You should know that from six months of intense training a specific supplementation routine can be recommended to increase energy. For example, creatine helps increase performance, muscle volume and strength. It’s inefficient for beginners whose muscles do not yet have the capacity to assimilate it, so its use isn’t advisable in this case.

Also, there are many foods that should be included in the diet to increase muscle mass. Below is a list that we’ve prepared with foods that we believe should never be excluded. Take note and include them in your diet!

What are the best foods to increase muscle mass?

1.-Red meat

Red meat is one of the foods preferred by athletes when it comes to gaining muscle mass, especially lean meat. Keep in mind that it’s an excellent source of animal protein and rich in lipids, vitamin A, vitamin E, and omega-3. If consumed regularly, it promotes muscle growth and weight gain.

Woman eating healthy foods.


Although avocados had a bad reputation at the time and were removed from the diets for muscle development due to their high-fat content, we now know that they provide a unique combination of nutrients that make them an almost perfect lean mass builder. Its vitamins and minerals are formidable antioxidants that promote general well-being and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

3.- Eggs

Third on our list is eggs, which stand out for their benefits for muscle development. Keep in mind that eggs are rich in ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) and that the amount of fat they contain isn’t enough to harm your health. In any case, it’s a food rich in lipids, amino acids, vitamins, iron, and calcium. Don’t forget that there are also many ways to cook them and, therefore, offer variety when eating to gain muscle mass.


Grains are an excellent source of carbohydrates and minerals, ideal for a healthy diet and effective to gain mass. Among them, oats are particularly appreciated by athletes. Rice is one of the most outstanding grains since it provides vitamin B, minerals, proteins and fiber. It is perfect to accompany white meats, fish or seafood.

Healthy foods: whole grain cereal.

5.-White meat

White meat is one of the ingredients that can’t be missing in any diet to obtain muscle volume. For example, chicken is one of the best meats for the development of muscle mass, while limiting fat intake. In fact, it’s the meat richest in proteins and the lowest in fat, which makes it ideal for gaining mass. Therefore, the turkey is also a great ally, thanks to its high content of proteins, minerals, and vitamins.


Finally, nuts are an ally for weight gain, since they contain unsaturated fats, lipids, and proteins. Likewise, they’re also rich in minerals and essential nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium or zinc. All of them contribute to good health and better recovery, which indirectly benefits muscle development.

Woman eating nuts one of the best foods.

Before finishing, you must take into consideration that the basic rules are to eat enough and train hard. Weight gain isn’t linear and progress isn’t continuous. After a fairly fast muscle growth, the body will go through a more or less long stabilization phase and progress will be made in stages.

We recommend that you don’t obsess over your weight. You can start with a good diet and a training program for a minimum of four weeks. We’re convinced that by increasing your caloric intake and training volume in a natural way you’ll obtain the desired results.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.