Properties of Linseed Oil in a Diet
Linseed oil or flaxseed is becoming more popular because of the benefits that it contributes to our health. The many benefits that we receive from this plant ensure that more and more people are including it in their regular diets.
This oil comes from the seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum). One of its main characteristics is the high content of omega-3, the fatty acids that are essential to maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.
The plant’s stem is used to produce fabric and its seeds are used to extract oil. The seeds are also ground to make linseed powder.
Beyond this, the use of this plant for healing purposes is traditional. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks, besides using linen for their clothes, prepared linseed oil for medicinal purposes. Next, we’ll go into further details of the different aspects of linseed oil. We’ll also discuss all the benefits of including it in our diets.
Main characteristics of linseed oil
High omega-3 content
The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential to maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. It also plays important roles in other systems within the body.
Linseed oil is unique as it’s one of the few foods from a vegetable origin that has such high levels of omega-3. It contains approximately 50 to 60 percent omega-3, besides containing omega-6 and omega-9.
Our bodies are not capable of producing enough essential fatty acids on their own, therefore, it’s necessary to include them in our diets. One of the best sources of omega-3 is fish oil.
Moreover, we must remember that linseed oil is an excellent alternative for those who don’t eat fish. Perfect for vegetarians and vegans who choose not to eat fish.
Different benefits for the human body
Due to its high content of omega-3, linseed oil is a great ally in preventing and reducing cardiovascular diseases. It’s effective in reducing artery obstructions (atherosclerosis) produced by fat accumulation, such as cholesterol.
Taking linseed oil has also proven effective in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, and arthritis. It’s also known to help the treatment of autoimmune disorders as well as neurological disorders.
Linseed oil also acts as a natural laxative since it favors bowel movements. This allows our body to eliminate food residues and toxins. As a consequence, taking linseed oil will help us to lose weight and feel less bloated.
This interesting product also possesses extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties. It’s very useful in treating pain caused by arthritis and premenstrual syndrome.
It’s also a great ally for athletes. Among its benefits, it reduces recovery times between workouts. It also boosts our energy levels allowing us to have longer durations of physical activity.
Beauty and health
Linseed oil also has a positive effect on our skin and hair. First, it helps to keep our skin hydrated, smooth, firm and enhances its appearance. It also relieves dry skin and eczema. Second, it strengthens hair growth while adding shine.
When it comes to women’s health, linseed oil contributes to regulating menstruation and balancing progesterone levels. It’s also very useful for relieving polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) pains and menopause.
Recommendations for including linseed oil in your diet
In order to include linseed oil in your daily diet, there are two options: liquid form or linseed oil supplements. The first option has the disadvantage of adding extra calories to your diet. Meanwhile, the second option allows you to only consume the active ingredient without the excess calories.
A very important recommendation is to avoid cooking with linseed oil. It should be used without processing, and as it is in the bottle. It’s good for dressing salads, used as sauces, flavoring foods or simply taking it with a spoon.
If you increase its temperature, the oil will oxidize. This is why it should not be exposed to heat. Take these precautions, and use linseed oil as a great ally for your health. Don’t hesitate to try its benefits!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Descripción y Composición de la Linaza. Extraído de:
- Kátia Calvi Lenzi de Almeida; Flávia Spreafico Fernandes; Gilson Teles Boaventura. 2008. Efecto de la semilla de linaza. Laboratório de Patología Experimental, Departamento de Patología, Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad Federal Fluminense, Brasil. Extraído de: