Reasons to eliminate coffee from your life: is it good to drink coffee?

Learn about the problems associated with drinking coffee repeatedly or regularly. Knowing its effects will make it easier for us to know when it's convenient to drink it and when it's better to do without it.
Reasons to eliminate coffee from your life: is it good to drink coffee?

Last update: 27 March, 2019

Coffee is the third most consumed beverage in the world. It’s one of the most popular breakfast drinks we choose to start the day with. There are many theories about the beneficial effects of drinking coffee, such as ingesting it improves your physical, mental, and energetic state.

The caffeine that it naturally contains is undoubtedly a great stimulant that will make you feel more active and awake. However, this drink produces several harmful effects in your body, which are often minimized. Up next, we’ll look at some of the reasons to eliminate coffee from your life.

Coffee increases stress and anxiety

The caffeine present in coffee increases the level of catecholamines. It’s actually a group of substances that include adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine. By increasing their levels, these substances cause a state of permanent stress.

Caffeine increases the level of catecholamines.

Coffee also forces the body to be very active, even at times when it should be resting. Many people who regularly consume coffee have insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.

This dependence occurs because the caffeine we ingest in the morning or during the day remains in your body at night. The lack of rest also generates high levels of stress.

Causes gastrointestinal problems

Coffee consumption is associated with gastrointestinal problems, mainly with acidity, which can cause stomach upsets, such as indigestion, reflux, or changes in the intestinal flora.

Coffee and cardiovascular health

The caffeine present in coffee decreases your sensitivity to insulin. This elevates your blood sugar levels, which can cause cardiovascular problems in the long run.

Moreover, caffeine can have negative effects on cardiovascular health by increasing blood pressure. Likewise, consuming coffee often causes the heart to accelerate or generate tachycardia.

Coffee and being overweight

Although coffee doesn’t contain calories, its consumption is directly related to highly caloric foods. It’s certainly very common to add sugar, milk, or cream to coffee.

Coffee is directly related to very caloric foods.

It is also very common for coffee to be the ideal complement of a croissant, a piece of cake, or snacks. All these are foods with high contents of fat and sugar,  and consequently, they’re very caloric. They will end up causing you to be overweight.

Coffee can cause dehydration

It’s often said that coffee helps those who suffer from constipation. This statement is partially true since caffeine stimulates and increases intestinal contractions.

Nonetheless, coffee also causes dehydration. As time goes by, this will have the opposite effect on people suffering from constipation. Dehydration will make the stools harder and more difficult to expel.

Stains your teeth

When drinking coffee in excess becomes a daily habit, your teeth turn yellow or end up stained. This happens because every time you consume coffee, a layer forms around the teeth. The enamel then absorbs this layer.

The stains can even be worse than those produced by tobacco or red wine. It’s important to brush your teeth.


We must make a distinction between people who like coffee and those who are truly addicted to it. We often hear people who say they can’t live without coffee and feel really bad if they can’t have their coffee in the morning.

Drinking coffee can stain your teeth.

Lots of people who try to quit drinking coffee have a hard time achieving it. Their behavior is very similar to those who are addicted to other types of harmful substances, such as tobacco or drugs.

To overcome the addiction, after someone decides to stop consuming caffeine, it’s preferable to do so gradually until the person is completely free of their dependence.

Coffee and kidney disease

Coffee is a natural diuretic, so its consumption causes us to go to the bathroom more often. There’s nothing wrong with this when a person has normal kidney functions. However, in the case of a person who has a kidney problem, drinking coffee can worsen the situation in the long run.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.