How Much Caffeine Can Your Body Handle?

We know the exact amount of caffeine that becomes harmful instead of beneficial for the body. If you tend to drink too much coffee or other drinks high in caffeine, we propose some alternatives in order for you to change those habits. 
How Much Caffeine Can Your Body Handle?

Last update: 24 November, 2018

For so many people caffeine is fuel. Without a good cup of coffee they can’t wake up in the morning or they’re not capable of studying or even driving. Caffeine has the power of waking us up when we’re tired.

How much caffeine can you drink per day?

We’ve all realized that drinking one cup of coffee is not the same as drinking four or five. In the right measure, coffee is an ally to stay focused and energetic. But an excessive amount can lead to anxiety or insomnia, among other disorders.

According to a couple of studies, the maximum intake of caffeine should be under four teaspoons  per day. If you consume more than that amount, you’ll start experiencing some harmful side effects

Do not fast and drink coffe

This is due to side effects beginning to appear after you reach that quantity. Besides, you must keep in mind that caffeine can become addictivewhich is why people who drink more than will tend to increase their daily dose.

In other words, experts advise not to exceed three cups of coffee per day. If you often drink more than that, try to drink the decaffeinated version.

To give you an idea of how much caffeine some drinks contain, here are some examples:

  • Coffee: 90 mg per 180 ml.
  • Decaf coffee: 2 mg per 180 ml.
  • Coke or dark soda: 44 mg per 330 ml can.

Effects of caffeine in the body

A moderate consumption of caffeine can have positive effects on your body. An excess of it, however, can be very harmful and goes beyond a simple sleepless night. Let’s dive a little deeper into the effects of caffeine on the body.

  • Speeds up your metabolism. Several studies have proved that caffeine speeds up metabolism by 15 percent. This is why overweight or obese people that want to lose weight will do it faster by drinking one or two cups of coffee a day.
  • Improves focus. One cup of coffee ‘activates’ the brain. If you drink one cup when you feel tired or sleepy, it can really help you feel more energetic. But remember that it’s still important that you maintain a regular sleeping schedule of about eight hours a day.
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Until now, everything seems perfect and caffeine looks like the ideal nutrient. If however, you increase your dose the effects stop being positive and you might have the following side effects:

  • Increase in blood pressure. Excess caffeine has negative effects on the heart. Your heart rate speeds up and your blood pressure increases to dangerous levels.
  • Headaches. Although one cup of coffee may relieve headaches, an excess of caffeine may do just the opposite. After consuming too many cups of coffee, annoying headaches may make you regret drinking too much of it. 

Coffee alternatives

After reading about the effects of drinking too much caffeine, you might have realized that you need to change your coffee drinking habits. Here are some alternatives you can try:

Drinking hot tea

You may keep drinking coffee as long as you take it in healthy amounts. Ideally, you can substitute your cup of coffee for the following drinks.

  • Decaf coffee. It tastes the same but has no caffeine, so it’s the perfect substitute.
  • Tea. You may drink it either iced or hot, with or without milk. Encourage yourself to try it!
  • Juice. Natural juices are the healthiest option. Try some of these recipes to make different combinations you might enjoy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.