5 Exercises You Shouldn't Miss in Your Training Routine

If you want to train and get the best results, we will share some exercises that shouldn't be missing from any training routine. Take note!
5 Exercises You Shouldn't Miss in Your Training Routine

Last update: 12 December, 2018

Creating a training routine is not easy. However, it’s much easier when you understand which exercises will stimulate your training. Therefore, we’ve prepared a list of five exercises that shouldn’t be missing from any training routine.

The exercises that we have selected will allow you to obtain the best results from your training sessions. As you can see, they are well known, although they are not always used in every training routine. So, what are you waiting for? Start including these exercises in your routine today!

What exercises should we include in any training routine?

Here are the exercises that shouldn’t be missing in any training routine:

1.-Bench press

The first of the exercises that shouldn’t be missed in any training routine is the bench press. It’s an ideal exercise to tone the upper body and includes many variations.

Exercises: woman doing bench press.

If you want to gain muscle mass, this is an exercise that allows you to hold a lot of weight. In addition, variations in the width of the grip and the inclination of the bench allow the muscles to activate in different ways. In short, it’s an excellent exercise, whether with bar, weights or machine.

2.-Barbell bicep curl

Secondly, the barbell biceps curl is a perfect isolation exercise to tone your arms. In addition, this exercise also allows you to work your forearms and triceps simultaneously. We are convinced that it will allow you to obtain incredible results!

Its execution is really simple. You must take the bar with the palms of your hands facing towards you and at the height of the shoulders. Remember, a closed grip will allow you to stimulate the biceps and reduce the risk of wrist injuries.

“If you are able to send a message that can be read between sessions, you are probably not working hard enough!”
– Dave Tate-


On the other hand, squats are another exercise that will work all of the muscles in the legs and glutes. It’s simple training that includes many benefits, due to the functional movement.

Exercises: people doing squats at the gym.

To perform them, remember to open the legs at shoulder height and with the feet facing forward. You should not bend your back, in order to avoid any discomfort. Also, the knees shouldn’t pass the toes.


The pull-up is an exercise that allows you to work, using your own weight, with the help of a bar. It’s a really hard exercise, in which your weight and physical condition mark the differences. The results are excellent.

The objective is simple: the chin must pass over the bar, with the help of your arms. The number of repetitions determines your capacity to carry out the training. Don’t forget that you can incorporate a weight belt to increase the difficulty of the exercise.


Finally, the abdominals are another popular exercise that we believe should not be missed in any training. Ideally, include them at the end of your training and spend about 10 minutes to properly perform your daily sit-up session. As you know, the abdomen indicates when it’s time to lose fat. Abdominal exercises are a great solution to remedy any extra pounds.

Exercises: woman doing abs at home.

You can even work your abs with the equipment you can find in the gym, either with a medicine ball or the bar that is used to do pull-ups. They are easy to quantify and increase the number of repetitions. We are convinced that soon, you’ll be able to show off your washboard abs!

Finally, remember that our list of exercises that shouldn’t be missing in any training routine is simple and can be practiced by any athlete.

As always, we recommend performing a warm-up before training and stretching your muscles at the end of your sessions. Don’t forget to maintain a good diet to enjoy results with greater intensity!



This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.