Flowin, a New Exercise to Incorporate in your Training

Nowadays, more and more tools appear to add to our training. Flowin is one of the newest. Let's learn all about it!
Flowin, a New Exercise to Incorporate in your Training

Last update: 27 January, 2021

In the following article, we’ll analyze one of the new tools for training that we’re beginning to find in fitness centers. The purpose of this article is none other than to show the possibilities that Flowin gives you and how you can introduce it into your routines so that your training is even better.

What is Flowin?

Flowin is a new method of functional training developed in Sweden by a group of elite athletes whose main goal is to exercise the body as a whole.

It’s done on a smooth and slippery rectangular surface using skates or special mittens that come in different sizes, on which you can rest your hands, feet or knees.

Why is it a full-body exercise?

This new concept combines the following physical qualities that give this new type of exercise a degree of uniqueness:

  • Balancing work.
  • Muscle strengthening.
  • Mobility.
  • Speed.
  • Stability.
  • Power.

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Flowin helps improve flexibility.

What kind of exercises can you do with Flowin?

Flowin allows you to perform innumerable exercises, either lying or standing on the ground. Another fundamental component is that it’s suitable for all ages and levels of training.

To learn the skills and movements, you simply have to follow the advice of a professional in the fitness industry. They’ll adapt the exercises to your needs.

Applications and benefits of Flowin

Through this modality of physical activity, incorporate the following qualities:

  • Training with force without using weights.
  • Resistance training in a different and attractive way.
  • Dynamic stretching to improve your flexibility.
  • Using multiple types of movement and multi-articular exercises to make each training session a complete experience.
  • It trains your stability, mobility, balance, control, and coordination.

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Use your body weight

One of the main advantages and characteristics of Flowin is that you don’t always need to go to a gym to do it. When using your own body weight, you won’t have to have extra equipment such as weights or other pieces to work on things such as strength training.

Some of the benefits of using bodyweight are the following:

  • Efficiency: not requiring equipment to train means that there’s a minimum transition time between one circuit to another, as well as shorter rest time, which helps keep the heart rate high. As a result, physical fitness can be improved even when the duration of training is short.
  • Cardiovascular and strength benefits: combining cardiovascular exercises such as burpees and jumps with strength exercises such as the plank will offer the best of both worlds.
  • Strengthening of core muscles:  29 pairs of muscles in the pelvis, abdomen and lower back form the core muscles. They’re necessary to support the body and maintain balance.
This method demands only a few elements to work with body weight.
  • Increased flexibility: there’s no point in increasing strength, without improving flexibility. Good posture and performance require flexibility. It promotes the ability to stretch and bend without feeling pain or suffering an injury.
  • Better balance: as you move towards more difficult variations of the exercise, athletes improve their balance, which helps them have better control of the body.


Flowin, as we discussed earlier, is adaptable to any age. If used correctly, it can reduce the risk of injury, since friction is controlled at all times. It’ll offer us a lower risk than other types of training. Don’t wait any longer, it’s not too late for you to try this new type of exercise!


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

    • Behm, D.G.; Anderson, K.; Curnew, R.S. (2002). Muscule force and activation under stable and unstable conditions. Journal Strength Conditioning Research 16 (3):416-422
    • Boyle, Michael (2004). Functional Training for Sports. ISBN 9780736046817.
    • Vera-García, F-J., et.al (2015). Core stability. Concepto y aportaciones al entrenamiento y a la prevención de lesiones. Rev. Andal. Med. Deporte vol. 8 no. 2. Sevilla jun. 2015.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.