Running: How to Get Started After Turning Forty

Running: How to Get Started After Turning Forty

Last update: 09 July, 2018

Age is no excuse when it comes to this athletic activity. By following this advice and keeping in mind the characteristics of each stage, you can enjoy running to the fullest.

People often think that they can not exercise after a certain age. This is a big mistake! While we may not have the same flexibility, endurance and strength as we did when we were twenty, running is something you can do after the age of forty without any problem. Want to learn how? This post will tell you everything you need to know about running after you turn forty.

A guide to running after forty

If you have been alive for more than four decades and have decided to start exercising, congratulations! It is never too late to start. Of course, things will be different from when you were a teenager, but you will gradually be able to get good results and improve your performance. Take note of the following tips for starting to run after the age of forty.

1. Go for a medical check-up

This may be a bit of a bore, but it is an essential part of learning about our state of health, especially if we have not been athletically active (or we gave up exercise after high school).

Make an appointment with your doctor and ask him what you need. Blood and urine tests, an electrocardiogram, densitometry…you need to be in good health to start exercising! At the very least, you should know if there is a problem so you can adapt your routine to meet your needs.

2. Rest more

Maybe you used to exercise everyday without fatigue. Past the age of forty, you will feel tired after running and the next day. For this reason, it is important that you wait forty-eight hours before running again.

Woman resting

The time it takes for you to recover and get your muscles to “cooperate” will also depend on your sleep. After running, get a good night’s sleep.

3. Choose good sneakers

This piece of advice extends beyond running after the age of forty, and applies to all ages. It is an absolute must that you wear appropriate sneakers for running. This is not about indulging a whim or marketing strategies. Quite simply, you need to properly protect your feet from the impact of running.

And that is not all. If you do not wear suitable footwear, you will also feel repercussions in your knees and even your hips. Invest in a good pair of sneakers. You will not regret it.

4. Start slowly

When we start any activity, the first few times will not be easy. For this reason, it is best to take it one step at a time so you do not give up halfway. Start by running for ten minutes, then fifteen, twenty, and so on, until you have run for one full hour. It will happen so gradually, you will hardly notice!

Do not set an overly demanding goal from the first day. Nor should you want to go from zero to 100 overnight. Do not forget that frustration and disappointment leads to discouragement and quitting. Remember: ‘slow and steady wins the race.’

Woman checks her running stats

5. Eat well

Like athletic activity, diet is one of the fundamental pillars of a healthy lifestyle, no matter our age. Consult with a nutritionist or a sport’s doctor to create a nutritional plan tailored to your age, weight, physical condition, and particular characteristics.

Do not opt for “miracle diets”. Remember, running after forty requires a lot of energy. As a result, what you need most is nutritious food that can transform into the fuel you need to keep running.

Essentials include calcium, vitamin D, protein, zinc, and phosphorous. Where can you find these? Dairy, dark-leaved vegetables like spinach, chestnuts, eggs, lean meats, and fish.

6. Stretch before and after running

Warming up is not a waste of time. Neither is stretching after exercise. Both elements are important because they help you to avoid injury. This will prepare the muscles for effort, reduce cramps and pains, and allow the routine to work to its fullest.

In addition, these things take just ten minutes (five minutes before and five minutes afterwards), which you can subtract from the workout time.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.