Try This CrossFit Workout at Home

CrossFit is a fitness regimen that's more popular than ever. That's why we'll show you how you can do this CrossFit workout at home and reap all of its benefits.
Try This CrossFit Workout at Home

Last update: 19 September, 2018

CrossFit, also known as functional training, is continuing to gain more and more followers across the globe, due to its benefits and results. Although it’s usually completed at a gym, you can also perform a CrossFit workout at home. If you want to exercise, but you don’t have the time to go to a gym (at least one class a week), a good option is to do this CrossFit workout at home.

Is it possible to do a CrossFit workout at home?

Ideally, you’d think that CrossFit should be completed at the gym, with an instructor. However, with the help of certain household items, it’s easy to do this routine at home. Still, it’s important that you monitor your form, and begin gradually.

When starting out, we recommend that you watch a few online videos, to give you an idea of how to do the exercises. Furthermore, begin with using only your body weight. At first, it won’t be “true” CrossFit; rather, you’ll be doing calisthenics. Nonetheless, it can help you get used to the exercises before moving on to more challenging moves.

Once you become more advanced (working out two to three times a week, for at least one month), you can incorporate certain elements of functional training. This can include: kettlebells, pull-up bars, weight plates, ropes, and so on.

woman using kettlebell at gym

Best of all, to complete this CrossFit workout at home, you don’t need a huge amount of time. All you need is 20 to 30 minutes a day. Why is it so efficient? It’s because you target all of your muscles. In addition, you’ll be doing cardio exercise, which improves the health of your heart and lungs. What’s more, you’ll lose weight and burn fat.

And if that isn’t enough, functional training is fun. You’ll avoid the boredom that typically comes with doing the same weight training exercises at the gym. So put on some good music and get to it!

Try this CrossFit workout at home

Below, we’ll go through basic CrossFit exercises that don’t require any special items. When following this routine, you should do half an hour of exercise each day:

1. Push-ups

There are a dozen possible variations of push-ups, but begin this exercise slowly. Firstly, start with a basic push-up, by putting your hands on the ground. Then, stretch out your body and place the tips of your toes on the floor. Your elbows and shoulders should be doing all of the work. Lower your body to the floor, and repeat.

Once you’ve mastered this and you can do 30 push-ups without any problems, move it up a gear! Take one hand off of the floor as you lower down, or clap with both hands, when coming back up.

2. Squats

This is another fitness classic that you can gradually increase the intensity of, after a few weeks. Firstly, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Then, keep your back straight and slowly lower your torso while bending your knees.

man doing squats CrossFit workout at home

Too easy? Try jumping back up to your starting position, or hold a weight with your hands, in front of you, for a more challenging set.

3. Burpees

Burpees are “the” CrossFit exercise and although they’re difficult and exhausting, they’re very comprehensive. They’ll give you a complete cardio workout, while targeting many muscles.

Begin by getting into a push-up position, and lower your torso. Then, bring both knees to your chest, and jump back up.

4. Planks

Also known as “isometric crunches,” planks are one of the most effective exercises to get the defined abs that you’ve always wanted. Lie down on your stomach, and place your forearms on the floor. Then, raise your body using only your toes to balance your weight.

Keep your back parallel to the ground for one minute. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat. To make this harder, stretch out one leg, and lift it. Then, count to 15 and change sides.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.