A Study Shows that Waking up Early is Bad for your Health
In every social group, there are people in the habit of waking up early, and those who prefer to sleep in. In fact, there’s actually a discussion regarding the advantages of waking up early. However, there are many arguments against it; most recently, a scientific publication discusses this topic. Stay tuned as we discuss these claims.
Those who love to sleep in each morning now have a theory of why it’s okay and validated by recognized researchers. If you’re one of them, now you have a strong argument to present to your spouse, boss, and other people with whom to negotiate the schedule.
Why waking up early is bad: according to this study
Our social relationships and physical abilities suffer alterations according to the schedule in which we wake up. Angela Clow and her group of researchers from the University of Westminster found that waking up early is ultimately harmful to your health.
Different symptoms, such as bad mood and headaches, are the main consequences of insufficient sleep or sleep difficulties.
For this study, which included 42 people, researchers extracted saliva at different intervals over a three-hour period during two consecutive days. Once they obtained the samples, the amount of cortisol present in each one was measured.
The well-known stress hormone, cortisol, presented significant variations between those who got up early and those who didn’t. Those who woke up before 7.21 am, had higher levels of cortisol in their systems.
High levels of cortisol can affect your ability to interact with other people for the rest of the day; and with tense relationships, everything becomes more complicated, which only adds to stress levels.
Thus, early risers have a higher propensity to suffer from muscular pains, headaches, and colds; the stress hormone keeps us in a constant state of alertness against external stimuli.
Waking up early: conclusive results during the follow-up days
The investigation lasted ten days in order to determine the effects it had on people. During this time, the researchers showed that the elevated levels of cortisol were maintained throughout the rest of the day.
Because of these reasons, people who get up early are more irritable and compulsive. While they may be concentrated in their activities throughout the day, at the end of the day, immense exhaustion settles in.
The important thing isn’t the number of hours that you sleep. The critical point is the exact moment when you wake-up. Therefore, it has to do with when you start your day. Likewise, researchers were very careful to make sure that they took the saliva sample as soon as patients woke and not minutes later.
Thanks to this study, we can now distinguish physiological differences between the people who get up early and those who sleep in. This is an excellent way to explain to others that when you get up late, it’s not due to it is not laziness!
Waking up early: stress
Our current pace of life brings about excessive levels of stress in society. As this study has already clarified, this is partly due to an increase in cortisol in people who get up early.
In some cases, it’s possible to change our sleep habits; however, for some, it’s a routine that can’t be changed. In these cases, it’s necessary to look for other ways to maintain our emotional balance.
Keys to reducing stress
At the start of the morning, practice mindfulness as an effective method to combat daily stress. This means concentrating on breakfast and focusing on tranquility. You must do this without using devices or other elements that can generate several stimuli simultaneously.
Also, it’s necessary to smile more frequently. Although it seems difficult when we’re really stressed, it’s a critical cortisol inhibitor. Dedicate a few minutes a day to breathing and using specific techniques to help reduce stress consciously.
Exercising your body and mind with sports or yoga is the most advisable thing to do. This way, your body releases hormones that fight stress and increase your good mood. Also, your blood circulation will improve alongside the other benefits.
It’s also a good idea to create habits that tend towards relaxation—painting, reading, writing, or anything that focuses your attention on something fun and enjoyable. Taking time for yourself and the things you enjoy is considered healing.
In conclusion, analyzing the personal circumstances of each person is essential in order to react and act accordingly. Waking up early is bad, but oftentimes there’s no choice; you have to work and plan ahead so that you don’t waste your energy. Health is a precious asset that must always be taken care of.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Esquire. Madrugar es malo para la salud. 2018. Extraído de: https://www.esquire.com/es/salud-fitness-running/a10334068/madrugar-malo-salud/
- Apeto. Dormir bien, programa para la mejora del sueño. Extraído de: https://www.apeto.com/assets/dormir-bien.pdf
- Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría. 2015. La importancia de un sueño reparador. Extraído de: https://www.sochipe.cl/subidos/revista1/docs/1439992723-EE%20N80%20-%20FINAL.pdf