Adult Hyperactivity: How Can You Control It?

Hyperactivity in adults is a behavioral problem that can cause a lot of issues for the person who suffers from it. Knowing how to control it is vital to avoid problems in daily life.
Adult Hyperactivity: How Can You Control It?

Last update: 05 January, 2021

Up until a few decades ago, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) wasn’t thought of as a condition that affects adults. It was always thought that only children were affected. However, adult hyperactivity can cause the same difficulties and can decrease the sufferer’s quality of life.

Adult ADHD affects adults similarly to how it affects children. For instance, some symptoms are problems concentrating, impulsive behavior, and an increase in motor activity (eg fidgeting). However, these symptoms can vary depending on the age of the sufferer and aren’t the same in all adults.

On the other hand, hyperactive behavior is often a consequence of another disorder. For instance, an overactive thyroid or side effects from certain drugs may contribute.

Treatment for this disorder may often be in the form of medication or therapy. It’s common to have a combination of the two. Below, we’ll take a look at how to control adult hyperactivity using various techniques.

Inform yourself by doing research

A common problem with this condition is that it often goes unperceived. The person may not be able to explain their symptoms or ask for help. This often means they may not get an accurate diagnosis.

However, informing themselves on their condition from trustworthy sources is a therapeutic aid in itself. Accurate information can help the person to reduce uncertainty and develop effective coping strategies. The person should do research on their symptoms and possible causes.

The information must come from reliable and professional sources. Some of these might be scientific databases, health care professionals, or local social services. It’s also a good idea to inform yourself about the disorder, the prognosis, and different treatment options.

A frustrated woman sitting on a path.

Use mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness is a type of meditation where the idea is to control your attention and direct it toward yourself. The goal is to raise your awareness of your own body’s state.

Programs that include using this technique have been effective in improving the attention span of those who have participated. It’s also useful to help control emotions. As a result, it’s also been investigated for use with people who have difficulties with some mental functions.

According to a study published by Psychotherapy Magazine, treatment for adult hyperactivity based on mindfulness sessions could be effective in improving attention span and reducing impulsive behavior. However, research in this field is scarce. It would be necessary to conduct further studies to confirm the results.

Martial arts for treating adult hyperactivity

Contrary to what you might think, martial arts actually require especially high levels of concentration and self-control to succeed. Good fighters have to be perfectly in control of their body and mind. This is because any lack of concentration can mean they lose the fight.

Martial arts have been used for several decades as one of the treatment options for ADHD in children. In a review published by the Journal of Sport and Health Research, it notes that practicing martial arts is beneficial for treating symptoms of ADHD.

Of course, it’s necessary to further study this treatment option in adults, to prove whether the same benefits apply to them. However, initial results seem promising.

Bring out your more organized side

A very common problem among adults with ADHD is that they often jump head-first into tasks. They tend not to plan all the steps they’ll need to take to finish the job. This means that later down the track they’re highly likely to feel frustrated and abandon the job before finishing.

A man with a notebook planning how to do a task.

In these cases, using agendas, calendars or to-do lists can work very well. Here the person can write down what they have to do and how to do it. Establishing good habits and planning out daily actions is a vital step in controlling the disorder.

We can also see another benefit to being better organized. Using these tools means the person is less dependent on others. That in turn translates to an increase in their self-confidence.

Controlling adult hyperactivity for a better life

If the person can’t control their impulsive behavior, it’ll greatly limit their ability to carry out even normal daily tasks. A treatment approach from various angles can involve medication and therapy. However, the condition’s early diagnosis is even more important. It’s also essential to be able to tell the difference between this and other disorders.

A mental health professional should always oversee treatment. But of course, the person with the disorder also needs to take a hand in controlling their own life. The only way to control it is if the person becomes actively involved in the treatment process and makes changes in their way of life.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Carriedo, A. (2014). Beneficios de la Educación Física en alumnos diagnosticados con Trastorno por Déficit de atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH). Journal of Sport & Health Research, 6(1).
  • López, E. F., Vizcaino, M. A., Calvo, D. T., López, J. C., y Vila, S. B. (2016). Entrenamiento en Mindfulness para pacientes con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH): Una revisión descriptiva. Revista de Psicoterapia, 27(103), 203-213.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.