Everything You Need to Know About Beach Soccer
Beach soccer is one of those sports that has grown in popularity in recent years. This sport is a different version of traditional soccer, the difference being that it’s played in the sand. It’s a fun activity, especially for summertime. Keep reading to find out more about beach soccer and if you’d be interested in trying it out!
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The first thing you should know is that playing soccer in the sand offers the athlete a different level of conditioning than playing on the grass. The sand inhibits your movements and the unevenness of the terrain makes your body work twice as hard.
Also, in the sand, it’s much more difficult to drive the ball across the field. Yes, it’s true that this slows down the rhythm of the game. However, the increased difficulty benefits the players: it can greatly improve their technical capabilities. In addition, this softer terrain allows the players more freedom of movement and to perform more dangerous stunts whilst trying to score goals.
By participating in beach soccer, players improve their endurance since they are forced to work harder. As you can imagine, the ball used for beach soccer is a little lighter. The lighter ball and the soft sandy terrain allow the players to perform more spectacular stunts and goal attempts.
What should you know about beach soccer?
Born on Brazilian beaches and declared an official sport in the United States in 1992, the greatest reference of beach soccer has always been Brazil. In fact, the first world championship was held in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro in 1995, and the winner was the host country.
Beach soccer is a competitive sport, practiced all over the world and there are plenty of official competitions at an international level. It’s quite similar to an eleven-man game, but with some peculiarities, both in tactics and game techniques.
Regulatory aspects
If the match ends in a tie after the regulation time is up, a three-minute extension is held. If the tie persists, the game is defined on penalties.
Like futsal, each team consists of five players, including the goalkeeper. Therefore, there are four players on the field and one to guard to the goal. Additionally, each team may have substitutes, ranging from three to five players. Due to the difficulty of playing in the sand, beach soccer requires specific techniques.
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A beach soccer match lasts for three 12-minute periods, each separated by a three-minute break. In this type of soccer, fouls and penalty shots must always be carried out by the person on the receiving end of the infraction.
About beach soccer: what are the benefits?
1. Good for the whole body
Beach soccer is an extremely beneficial sport for the whole body. Just like traditional soccer, it makes you move your legs and allows you to keep your blood pressure at a steady and healthy level.
Since it’s much more difficult to move and play sports in the sand, beach soccer keeps you in great shape. Additionally, it can really improve your physical condition because you’re challenging your body much more than in traditional soccer.
Also, sand is a great shock absorber, which means your body isn’t at as much risk for suffering from a stress or impact injury.
2. An unbeatable environment
To play beach soccer, all you need is a ball and access to a beach. You can simply go to your nearest beach. The views of the sea and the sand will allow you to relax completely, which in turn will help you to stay focused on sports.
On the other hand, enjoying the waves, the breeze, and the sun helps you release more endorphins. These hormones are necessary to combat stressful situations.
3. Improve your skills!
Playing soccer in the sand is, without a doubt, a new challenge for the players. Among other factors, the unevenness of the terrain allows you to hone your skills playing barefoot.
While it’s not impossible to dribble your opponents and drive the ball, you’ll always have a little more difficulty with beach soccer. In addition, playing beach soccer is a fun way to practice your skills and improve your soccer abilities.
In conclusion, it’s clear that beach soccer is a challenging sport with countless benefits for the body and mind. Additionally, the beach atmosphere is ideal for getting more in tune with your athletic practice and disconnecting from the world a bit. Just try it! Once you get to the beach, you’ll have time for both playing soccer and relaxing on the sand or in the water!
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