7 Tips for Working Out on an Exercise Bike at Home
Why does the exercise bike you have at home end up becoming a clothes hanger? One of the reasons behind its new function is purchasing the wrong bike or failing to find an enjoyable routine.
If you want to avoid this frustrating situation, check out some of our tips for making the most out of your exercise bike at home.
Home exercise bike: before purchasing
So, you don’t have the time to go to a gym but still want to exercise every day– or at least a couple of times a week? Maybe, having an exercise bike at home can solve your dilemma?
But first, consider that more often than not, people end up pushing their exercise in a lonely corner and piling clothes on top. We’re not trying to convince you out of buying one; instead, we just want you to know what could happen if you don’t give your bike the attention it deserves. Thus, before you make a purchase, we recommend following these steps first:
1. Borrow an exercise bike
Whether it’s a friend, cousin or work colleague, someone in your social circle is bound to have an exercise bike that they don’t use at home. Asking to borrow it and test it out for a few weeks before buying your own is a great idea. You can even buy it from the lender at the end of your trial period. By testing out the bike beforehand, you can see if you enjoy indoor cycling at home first.
2. Never make a purchase without first seeing the bike
You might think they’re all the same, but exercise bikes are all different. There are dozens of models available on the market and you might not find yourself comfortable with many of them.
So, before you make a purchase, try it out at the store or gym.
While price is an important factor in any purchase, don’t let it be the final say. Instead, focus more on the features. Look for comfort and adjustable seats and handlebars. The characteristics that a bike boasts will ultimately be the reason why you maintain your routines or not.
3. Avoid folding bikes
Some people claim that they’re space-savers for small city apartments or homes but they’re more likely to find a permanent spot under your bed. Look for a model that’ll encourage you to make the most out of your investment.
4. Find the right spot for your exercise bike
Just as folding bikes provoke a red flag, setting them up in hidden areas or corners does as well. It needs to be out in the open to remind you to exercise. But, at the same time, it can’t clash with your home decor. Try looking for a bike that has the right colors or designs to match its surroundings.
We also recommend setting up your bike in a definitive spot. In other words, avoid moving it around unless it’s to clean. Try to keep it by a window for optimal breathing as you work out.
I already have a bike! Now what?
Or maybe someone already gave you an exercise bike as a birthday present or lent it to you to encourage a healthy lifestyle… and it’s still waiting for you to get started. Here are some tips to get active:
1. Set up a routine
For example, exercise on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from six to seven in the evening. Make it official in your agenda. Avoid exercising spontaneously because you’ll probably find other things to do.
2. Set up your bike in front of a TV
A great way to make the most out of your bike is by using it while watching your favorite TV show. You won’t even realize that you’re pedaling away and at the same time, you’ll never waste the potential exercise time by just sitting down and watching TV…and probably snacking.
3. Put on pump-up music
Look for songs that are energizing and fun. You can use the different rhythms of each song as markers to speed up your pace. That way, you can enjoy a fun home cycling class!
Lastly, we recommend starting a 30-minute routine and speeding up and building the intensity over time. By progressing in steps, you can avoid injuries and excessive training. The rest is willpower and a good attitude!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Orlando Quintero Flores. 2001. Spinning. Fundación Clínica del Valle de Lili. https://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/bitstream/10906/4491/1/063_Spinning.pdf