Oregano Health Benefits
Oregano is one of the main herbs used in Mediterranean cuisine. Thanks to its versatility, people use oregano on all kinds of dishes because it adds a delicious touch. In our post today, we want to analyze the benefits of using oregano in your recipes.
In addition, we want to show you different ways to use this classic herb. By the way, you might be using it incorrectly on your pizzas. Read about the right way to use it at the end of this post.
Benefits of cooking with oregano
Besides having a wonderful flavor and being accessible for all budgets, oregano boasts other benefits as well. Most people use it to simply add some flavor to their meals. However, they’re often unaware of the amazing health benefits that the herb has in store for them.
Helps digestion
If you suffer from digestive complaints, consider using oregano as it can help you ease the problems. Oregano contains properties that help you digest food more efficiently. In addition, it helps relieve burns and acid.
Cold remedy
As we’ve mentioned before in other posts, many of the solutions to our health problems can be natural. Oregano is a great example. As a tea, it can help relieve cold and flu symptoms. This herb is especially helpful for scratchy or sore throats because it has analgesic properties.
Strengthens the immune system
Keeping your immune system in top shape is extremely important. A healthy immune system is your body’s natural way of fending off harmful viruses and bacteria.
Cooking with oregano is a great way to strengthen your immune system. Its rosmarinic acid content gives your body a boost, making it stronger to face potential threats.
Different ways to cook and enjoy oregano
Oregano is one of the most popular herbs used in cooking because it has a nice flavor that complements a wide variety of dishes as well. If you don’t use it in your dishes already, check out our following ideas to get started.
- Mix it with tomato sauce for a taste explosion. Mix some oregano into tomato sauce for pasta, meatballs or whatever dish you eat with tomato sauce. Everything will taste so much better.
- Pizza with a hint of oregano. You can also use it to top your pizzas or elaborate your dough. If you already make oregano pizza, you might be doing it wrong. Are you sprinkling it on before you take your pizza to the oven? Well, the only thing you’re doing is drying the oregano out. Instead, the correct way of adding oregano is putting it on after the tomato sauce. By waiting until the last minute, the herb will flavor the tomato sauce and result in a tastier dish.
- A different way to dress your salad. Most people dress their salads with a dash of salt, vinegar, and oil. But, a different take is to sprinkle oregano on top as well. You’ll love the new levels of flavor it adds.
- Teas. Yup, you read that right. This herb is perfect for brewing healthy, relaxing teas. Use dried flowers from the plant for your teas. It might seem a little strange at first, but you won’t regret trying it.
- Make your own marinades. Another great idea is buying fresh meat and marinating it at home. Most people use pepper or paprika for their marinade recipes, but you can use whatever you want. Try using a good amount of oregano along with other spices and herbs.
Conclusion: a must for your dishes
Oregano has a wonderful taste at an affordable price. But those aren’t its only advantages. It also offers plenty of health benefits as well. It’s a great herb for everyone and using it is easy because it has a flavor that complements many different dishes.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Kintzios, S. E. (2012). Oregano. In Handbook of Herbs and Spices: Second Edition. https://doi.org/10.1533/9780857095688.417
- Gracia-Valenzuela, M. H., Orozco-Medina, C., & Molina-Maldonado, C. (2012). Efecto antibacteriano del aceite esencial de orégano (Lippia berlandieri) en bacterias patógenas de camarón Litopenaeus vannamei. Hidrobiologica. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2004.03.022