5 Things You Need For Exercising At Home

Working out at home is an excellent idea if you do not have time to go to the gym. In order to make your workouts effective, we want to give you some practical suggestions on how to work out from the comfort of your own home.
5 Things You Need For Exercising At Home

Last update: 06 September, 2018

Many people want to exercise, but either they don’t like going to the gym, or they can’t find the time, due to a busy schedule and a hectic lifestyle. If this is the case for you, do not be discouraged. With just a few spare minutes each day, you can exercise effectively at home. However, you should know that in order to do this, there are certain things you will need for exercising at home. 

Is it feasible to exercise at home?

One of the things that worries people when they think about working out is their lack of time. If you constantly have long and strenuous work days, you can exhaust yourself in such a physical and emotional way, that you cannot even begin to think about carving out time for physical activity.

Another reason why you might not feel able to exercise, is perhaps due to the expense. Or, you might also routinely ask yourself, “What work out routine can I do without any equipment at home?”

Don’t feel discouraged! In just a short time you will learn how to complete, at home and without much equipment, certain effective cardiovascular and strength training exercises.

5 things you need for exercising at home

Although one of the major motivations, or factors for people who decide to exercise at home is reducing their costs, do not close yourself off to the option of using some accessories or machines. Here are some of the things you will need for exercising at home:

1. If you have a firm bar set at a comfortable height that your extended arms can grip it easily, you could use it as a pull-up bar to lift your body.
2. With small dumbbells, you can do some strength training and toning exercises.
3. Another great option is to have a fit ball or exercise ball with which you can do light gymnastics exercise.
4. If you have a treadmill or stationary bicycle, you can do cardiovascular exercises, thus enhancing your heart health.
5. A cushion, bench, or armchair will always be useful too.

There are several interesting options for exercising at home and you will find an appropriate one to suit you. Just take into account how much time you have available and what accessories you have access to.

Warm up exercises prior to your routine

warm up at home routine

The idea is to start off strong. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to is your warm-up. This will allow you to get your body ready for the physical activity itself.

Through a warm-up exercise, your joints, tendons, and muscles warm up and your heart rate accelerates. It’s a good idea to dedicate between five and ten minutes to this routine. Do not rush, either, because your body needs some time to realize that it is being active.

Then, you can start exercising at home by doing cardio or strength training exercises that involve a certain degree of effort, which will gradually increase.

Cardio and strength routine

Start by considering all of the objects in your room, garage, or backyard, and you will realize that you already have some of the things you need for exercising at home. Perhaps you have a strong and stable chair, a bench, a padded or grass floor, a bar, or a heavy and balanced object?

You can start off with this routine:



This is one of the most important routines,  as push-ups generate force in the upper body. This includes your arms, shoulders, chest, and back. 

You can lie on the floor on your stomach, and lift your upper body using only the strength of your arms. Keep the palms of your hands well supported on the floor and extend your arms. The only body parts holding you up should be your palms, and the balls of your feet–which should also be firmly on the ground.


Although this exercise requires some coordinated effort, it is quite dynamic. Start off in the same position as with a push-up. Then, take a slight leap to form a squat, bring your legs forward, and spread your arms upwards as you stand up completely.

Then, you fall back into the squat position again. From there, extend your legs back to the push-up position and repeat the exercise.

Glute bridge

Lie on your back without extending your legs by resting your feet firmly on the ground. Make sure your waist is also touching the ground. Elevate your upper body gently and repeatedly. This exercise works out your hamstring muscles. 

Make a conscious effort when exercising at home

Remember that in order to maintain continuity with your work outs and stick to your routine, you must make a schedule. You may have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle habits and set some priorities, but it will be well worth the effort.

Additionally, exercising at home does not have to be boring. If you add certain elements for enjoyment and learning, you will feel more motivated. For example, you can include videos, music, and even dance in your routine.

Exercise will help you to lead a more active lifestyle and improve your attitude to everyday situations. It will be just you and your surroundings, so there will be no room for excuses. Start exercising at home today!



This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.