Pharmacy Products You Should Never Buy

Pharmacies are stocked with more than just medicine these days, including some products that try to match up and compete with the originals, when in reality the real products are irreplaceable.
Pharmacy Products You Should Never Buy

Last update: 12 August, 2018

For some time now, pharmacies have begun to offer a wide variety of products for sale, in addition to customary medicines. In practice, their advertising should not tempt you to buy. There are still certain pharmacy products that you should never buy.

Pharmacies have expanded and they adapt to serve many people in reduced time, who have specific needs.

Among the wide range of products you can find are: medicines, beauty cosmetics, personal hygiene products, food supplements, homeopathic products, food, and detergents. 

Pharmacy products you should never buy

Food supplements and beauty cosmetics

There are certain products you shouldn’t buy, especially if they relate to your health. There are many different brands available and you must make sure that these have the necessary health permits.

pharmacy products

A healthy diet needs balance and you can’t achieve this by using food supplements.

Unlike conventional medicine, no one should promote food supplements as pain reducers or coadjutants–for the treatment of heart conditions.

There are some cosmetic beauty products that you can buy in pharmacies, especially dermatological products. An important point to also remember, is to only choose products that the pharmacist has endorsed.

Make sure you can consult with your pharmacist in case you have any adverse reactions.

Homeopathic products

One of the many pharmacy products you should never buy without consultation, are homeopathic. Sold as actual remedies, many people from around the world use them to treat their conditions.

homeopathic remedies and Pharmacy Products You Should Never Buy

Homeopathic remedies are guilty of putting the consumer at risk, this is why pharmacies should not sell them.

And scientific studies conclude that homeopathic products should not be for sale in certified pharmacies.

The companies that produce and distribute homeopathic products feel that homeopathy is harmless and in certain circumstances is an alternative to traditional medicine. 

The report by the Australian government for the National Council of Health and Medical Research, finds evidence to show that homeopathic products are not effective for health conditions. Thus, they do not support these sales through pharmacies.

An alternative medicine, homeopathy and homeopathic medicine are the same thing. Germany introduced it, over 200 years ago. 

Homeopathic items come from substances found in plants, minerals and animals.

Side effects and risks

There is a lack of data to prove claims that homeopathic vaccines are no different to conventional ones. 

Although many homeopathic products are diluted, some that are labeled as homeopathic may not actually be; they sometimes contain large amounts of active ingredients.

Like any medication or dietary supplement with chemical ingredients, homeopathic products can cause side effects or drug interactions.

Moreover, these products can present a risk if they are not manufactured correctly. Homeopathic liquids often contain a high level of alcohol. Higher than allowed in conventional medicine.

Warnings about the use of homeopathic products

It is not advisable to use homeopathic products as a replacement for conventional medicine, nor to postpone a medical consultation for a problem or ailment you might be experiencing.

It is necessary to follow the conventional immunization programs recommended for children and adults. Do not use homeopathic products as a substitute for conventional vaccines.

It is important to remain aware and knowledgable about pharmacy products with reliable sources about their use and application. Your health and well-being are at risk.

Warnings about recalled conventional medicines

By definition, medications serve to prevent, alleviate, or cure a disease. They are your best allies when you are facing medical problems.

Some manufacturing errors, such as, contamination or failure to comply with sanitary regulations can turn these medications into a high risk for your health. 

It is necessary to pay attention to pharmaceutical warnings from health departments and to be aware of any medicines that have been withdrawn from sale. 

Pharmaceutical establishments must have ‘quarantine zones.’ Here they store any medicines that have been withdrawn from circulation. It is important for them to give you correct and timely information about the pharmacy products that you should never buy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.