The Importance of Daily Training

Training daily can help you to reach your goals earlier, but you have to be smart when planning your sessions. We'll take an in depth look at this issue below.
The Importance of Daily Training

Last update: 20 August, 2020

Exercise has many benefits, not only on a physical level but also on an emotional level. That’s one reason why training daily can have a positive effect on your life. However, it’s also important to know how to train correctly, otherwise the damage could outweigh the benefits.

Why daily training?

When you start to practice a sport or do exercise, it’s important to establish goals for yourself. For instance, you should consider: why am I starting this sport? What do I want to achieve? The answers will help you determine how to plan your training sessions.

You might think that two or three sessions a week will be enough. However, exercising every day will increase the benefits substantially. For instance, what if you just want to maintain your circulatory health? Daily exercise will likely even improve it. So, the first reason to train daily is that you’ll reach your goals (or exceed them) quicker.

In the second place is your health. Physical exercise doesn’t just work the muscles. It also helps strengthen the bones, the circulation, the respiratory muscles, the nervous system, your posture, joints, and digestion, among other things.

Also, taking into account the fact that the body adapts to the exercise you put it through, daily training will continue to strengthen all of these areas.

In the third place, you should also consider the effect of endorphins. This group of hormones increases the sense of well-being and helps to combat negative moods.

Endorphins start to produce more when you do physical exercise regularly two or three times a week. However, if you exercise daily, you’ll enjoy the effects more often and with greater intensity. That is, t he more exercise you do, the more you’ll enjoy it!

Lastly, we also need to stress the importance of working on all of the different muscle groups. As we’ll see further on, one of the main points that you should emphasize in any training regimen is variety. This is essential to prevent muscular imbalance, which can cause injuries or damage that can be difficult to detect at first.

Daily exercise improves the mood

Does it matter what kind of daily training and exercise you do?

When we’re talking about daily exercise or training, we’re not talking about doing the same thing every day. Constantly working on the same muscle groups all the time will just cause more harm than good.

Of course, as in other aspects of life, variety brings more pleasure. This applies as much to the physical benefits as well as the psychological ones, as mentioned in a study that was published in Rheumatology International.

General population

If you’re someone who exercises simply to keep physically active, it’s recommended that you do something different each day. For example, one day you might go running. The next day you could go swimming, and the next do an aerobics session. Then another day a 30-minute cardio session would be good exercise, and the next day lifting weights.

With the above variety, you won’t just be working all of your muscle groups. You’ll also be stimulating all of the different types of fibers within those muscles.

Recreational sportsperson

In this category, we’re including everyone that’s in some sports team or those who get together every now and then with friends to practice their favorite sport.

For these individuals, it’d be ideal to practice different aspects of their sport three or four times a week. On the remaining days, it’d be good to go for a jog or exercise in other ways. If you’re consistent with your exercise, you’re sure to improve, and your teammates will definitely notice the difference!


What about those who lift weights, who have the goal of building their muscles up to the greatest extent possible? Daily training will be very important. For bodybuilders, it’s recommended to have rest days between weight lifting sessions. On those days, you can do aerobics and other exercises.

A girl lifting weights at the gym

Some options you have are going for a walk or run, short aerobics sessions, or any other kind of gentler exercise. The goal is to help your muscles to relax and to improve your circulation.

Elite athletes

What about elite athletes? Even athletes at the top levels vary their daily training sessions. Most days, they practice and train for their sport again and again to reach perfection. However, during other training sessions, they work on kinaesthesia and balance, and on other days they do cardio.

As far as possible without being detrimental to their performance, even elite athletes have to vary their daily exercise. This is important above all, as we’ve seen above, for helping to prevent injuries.

The importance of daily training

Daily training and exercise can really pay off for all of us. The benefits are many and varied and include growing older while staying healthy, as well as being able to excel at your favorite sport. Maintaining your active self every day will help anyone who makes the effort.

The key is in regulating the types of exercise you do. Adapt your training to your personal needs and objectives, and above all alternate and vary the types of exercise. As we’ve seen, if you’re always giving just the same set of muscles a pounding, you’ll be more at risk of injury.

Of course, if you make that mistake you’ll also be causing damage to your joints and will be more susceptible to tendonitis, sprains, and other traumas. That’s why you should be smart when planning your training sessions, and then you’ll enjoy your progress more!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • H. Lim, Y. Moon, M. Lee. Effects of home-based daily exercise therapy on joint mobility, daily activity, pain, and depression in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatology International volume 25, pages225–229(2005)
  • J. van Dijk, K. Tummers, C. Stehouwer et al. Exercise Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care; 35(5): 948-954 (2012)
  • R. Speisman, A. Kumar, A. Rani. Daily exercise improves memory, stimulates hippocampal neurogenesis and modulates immune and neuroimmune cytokines in aging rats. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Volume 28, Pages 25-43 (2013)

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.