Everything You Need to Know about Running in the Rain
True running fans don’t have much trouble running in the rain. Only reasons beyond their control would lead them to skip a day of training. As long as it’s not a biblical flood or a hurricane, a bit of rain is no reason to stop.
People who are just starting out in this activity or simply do so because they need to exercise, think twice about it. In search of excuses not to move that don’t generate a feeling of guilt or a reprimand by a supervising specialist, a rainy day is almost a reason to celebrate.
With the exception of extreme cases, a rainy day shouldn’t be a reason to not go out and train. We must certainly take some special countermeasures into account to guarantee personal safety and avoid injuries. Additionally, we must ensure that the experience (which is usually lots of fun and rewarding) doesn’t result in catching a cold.
Groups are better
It’s normal for people who are less enthusiastic to consider the idea of running alone in the rain less attractive. Thus, seeking the support of exercise partners is a good plan. Group exercises always offer extra motivation.
You’re less likely to stay at home if training means going out with friends. It’s a strategy that you can always apply to motivate you, regardless of the activity you do or the environmental conditions.
Clothes suitable for running in the rain
Clothing is an essential part of running. However, it shouldn’t ever be a reason to suspend your training.
When it rains, finishing your route successfully will also depend on the clothes you wear. A little common sense is necessary for any activity.
You have to wear clothes that are neither too big nor too tight. Moreover, you must discard the idea of covering yourself with plastic bags. You should resort to materials that offer a high degree of impermeability without obstructing perspiration. Synthetic components are the best option.
If the temperature is very low, you can take a jacket; preferably not a heavy one. Likewise, it’s important to consider the possibility that the sun might rise midway through the route. In that case, the environmental humidity and the sweat that will accumulate between the layers of fabric and skin will be a new problem.
To protect your eyes, don’t forget to use a visor. Also, wear clothes with flashy colors, especially if your route will take place on roads shared with cars, bicycles, or motorcycles. Don’t forget that, under the rain, visibility is reduced.
Don’t forget to stretch before running
Every time you run, you must condition the body for the physical effort to which you’re going to submit it to. Skipping this step is one of the most common reasons that traumatologists and physiotherapists identify as the cause of injuries in runners.
With unfavorable weather conditions, you should stretch indoors, away from the water. The same goes for stretching after running, another vital action that you should include in any training since it greatly facilitates the process of muscle recovery.
Don’t hurry
When you run in the rain during any type of sport, it’s not the best time to try to improve personal records, even when competing. It’s ideal to keep a moderate but constant pace to reduce the risk of stepping wrongly or slipping on wet surfaces.
Hydrate at all times
The water that slides on our skin doesn’t affect the body’s hydration in any way. Hence, when you go out in the rain, you can’t forget to take a water bottle for drinking during training sessions under the sun or stars.
After running in the rain: changing clothes is urgent
If you have space or the means to do it before the final stretching procedure, it’s important to change your clothes. You also need to shower with warm water just after finishing your routine.
When getting out of the shower, you have to warm up and drink a hot beverage, along with eating high-calorie foods. These are basic but necessary measures to avoid annoying common colds.
In short, you can see that it’s fine to go out running in the rain. Even though it does demand additional care, you’ll undoubtedly have fun doing it!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Nike. Guía completa de iniciación al running. 2015. Extraído de: https://content.nike.com/content/dam/one-nike/en_us/season-2015-ho/running/NRC/RSG/1029_update/RSG_GUIDE_101415_es-ES.pdf
- Ehrmann, A., & Blachowicz, T. (2011). Walking or running in the rain-A simple derivation of a general solution. European Journal of Physics, 32(2), 355–361. https://doi.org/10.1088/0143-0807/32/2/008
- De Angelis, A. (1987). Is it really worth running in the rain? European Journal of Physics, 8(3), 201–202. https://doi.org/10.1088/0143-0807/8/3/011
- Peterson, T. C., & Wallis, T. W. R. (1997). Running in the rain. Weather, 52(3), 93–96. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1477-8696.1997.tb06281.x